Chapter 7.0

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He could feel them falling upon his skin. A beautiful cleansing sensation that found himself chasing after. Moved deeper out into the open until he was soaked right down to the bone. Until the clothing he wore clung to his body, the light fabrics slowly becoming translucent.

There was warmth behind him. A radiating heat that he found himself leaning into. Soft and sure, nothing like the arms that raised to hold him in place. Strong and secure, and he let himself fall into them, knowing that he would be caught. Held safe in the arms of the one who loved him.

Love. This person loved him. He couldn't explain exactly how he knew it, only that he did. Felt it in every single part of his being. That this was what it meant to be loved.

And he prayed that feeling would remain.


He awoke in a fog, like a hazy sort of filter had been placed over his eyes. The world spun, and he didn't understand why until he realized that his limbs were incapable of holding his weight and he was falling back down onto the solid earth.

Only to be caught before he could reach the ground, his legs shaky and barely rightly beneath him. Held against a strong, firm chest, safe and steady in arms that loved him.

In arms that loved him.

Suddenly the feeling from his dream came rushing back, and he let out a sound of surprise. Tried to twist in the hold only to find that all he had the strength to accomplish was a strange sort of wiggle.

"I've got you, love." There were words being spoken into his ear, and he leaned back into the sensation of warmth. Sighed as those lips were pressed against his throat, giving in and going limp against the person who held him upright.

"I feel so -" Strange. Weak, yes, but he had been expecting that. To still feel as though he were floating, limbs uncoordinated and barely working was something he couldn't have imagined. Yet there he was, helpless and vulnerable.

"Good?" It was a suggestion that shouldn't have made sense. Because he shouldn't feel that way. Shouldn't feel warm and worked over. Like his nerves had been rubbed raw in all of the most pleasant ways.

"Yes." He leaned back, letting his weight rest a bit more heavily against the solid support that held him upright. And he realized in that moment that the skin which pressed against his clothed flesh was bare. That his prince was -

His prince.

Suddenly it all came rushing back. The night before. Their long moments spent pressed together. The strange euphoria which had fallen over him as his prince had fed from him.

Lifting a hand, he let his fingers run across the place where his pulse beat the strongest, sighing as he felt the healed over puncture wounds now so prettily embedded into his throat.

"My prince has marked me." Everyone who saw him would know. Would see and know what had happened between them. What they had shared. And his heart skipped a beat at the thought.

"Does that make you happy, little one? That everyone will know you let your prince feed from you?" Everyone would know. Would look and see the sin they had committed.

"So happy." His fingers dug in, just a little, feeling the ridges, tracing along the outer diameter. They were small, slightly raised little bumps that formed pale pink against his pale skin. "I love belonging to you."

"You look so beautiful." Those lips traced along the edge of his jaw bone, and he sighed as they reached his chin. Twisted as far as his body would allow until they could meet his own. It was awkward, his neck canted almost painfully. But it was so worth it.

Arranged | Jinkook ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora