Chapter 4.0

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There was the scent of flowers wafting out into the room, powerful enough to pull him from the deep sleep he had fallen into.

And instantly the thought hit him that someone had been in his room. Someone had witnessed him so vulnerable, sleeping and alone. Because in the world they lived in, you were never really safe. He could remember his father constantly drilling that thought into his mind and cursed himself for not locking the door.

Until his mind suddenly caught up, the memories coming all at once and he blushed, falling back down and hiding how face in the cool surface of the pillow.

He was safe here, wasn't he? Here with his prince.

His prince.

It had been three days, and already he was calling the other his. Laying some metaphorical claim over him. Like it couldn't just as easily be disputed.

But there were flowers.

And the thought of them had him sitting up again, slowly pushing the covers away to swing his legs over the edge of the bed, feet hitting the cold floor and instantly retracting. He wished he had thought to being the thick, warm socks that his mother made for then each year. Perhaps -

Perhaps he would be allowed to get some of his things. To say a proper good bye to his family. To those who had always meant so much to him.

Normally his father would be offered some sort of position in their court. But he had no skills beyond being a capable horse handler. His mother could sew, and perhaps they could find a place for her. But he knew that she would never leave his father and brother, an act of loyalty he didn't blame her for.

Yet he reminded himself to ask, to try and find an appropriate time to do so. It was far too soon to ask for favors, so he tucked the thought away.

Steeled himself against the shock of cold and actually managed to stand this time, moving quickly across the chilled floor until he reached the thick rug that covered the area towards the end of the bed. Followed it to the edge of the dresser and took in the sight of colorful blossoms exploding across the surface.

There were nearly too many for the glass vase that had been placed in, and their scent was a heavenly as it was overwhelming.

Stuck in between the blooms was a small envelope containing the princes seal, and he grasped it quickly, carefully breaking the wax and slipping out the letter it contained. Before deciding to retreat back to the bed, lifting one leg and bending it under him, while letting the other hang over the edge.

Slowly he unfolded the piece of paper, letting the envelope fall into his lap.

'Little One -

I'm sorry to have left you last night. It was not what I wanted to do. I can not imagine what it must be like to wake up to you. But I will force myself to wait.

Do you remember the way to the library? If so, meet me there this evening.

Yours -


It was too much. And it had his ears turning red, the flush spreading into his cheeks and all the way down to his throat and chest.

It didn't matter if he couldn't remember how to get there. He would swallow his pride and shyness long enough to ask the way. Because he would not disappoint his prince.

His prince.

He prayed that he would never come to regret claiming the other so quickly.


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