Chapter 16.0

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He wasn't there.

And silently he wondered why he had expected anything at all.


There was the softest sound coming from just beyond his door. Footsteps coming forward before slowing to a stop. And he waited. Held his breath, anticipating what would come next. Sunk his teeth into his still healing lip and hoped.

And it came. A heart beat later. The sound of tapping against heavy wood. He felt like a fool, the way his practically jumped up, the feet of the chair he sat in scraping against the concrete floor.

Yet all he could think about was the fact that his prince was there. That he had come. That he had received his call and answered it.

Was he even breathing anymore? He couldn't tell. Didn't know and didn't care. Because one moment there was a heavy wooden barrier separating them. And the next there was nothing. Just chilled night air and darkness.

"Hello, beautiful." That voice was so deep, a nearly magical sound that he could practically feel sinking into his soul and soothing the wounds he hadn't been aware he was carrying. "You asked for me?"

"I did." He had. Had asked and hadn't expected anything. Had imagined that it would end up as yet another disappointment to add to the ever growing list. "And you came."

"I did." When had he stepped aside? When had he provided enough room for the prince to slip past him? When had his hand fallen away from the door, allowing it to be closed? He didn't know. Because when he was with the prince - when they were together like this, nothing else mattered. "Because my future husband asked it of me. And because I have missed him. Very, very much."

"How much?" He didn't understand. Why sometimes it felt like this - like their very souls were connected, operating on the exact same wave length. Like they were meant to be, their fates intertwined by the gods themselves.

And sometimes it felt like they were so far apart they would never be able to reach across the space that seperated them.

"It would be better if I showed him." Did he wanted that? Did he want to get swept up in his prince? To have another one of those magical, mystical moments that would only leave him more lost and confused once it was over?

He did. Because they were the only things that kept him going. That made it all keep being worth it.

"Then what are you waiting for?" His arms crossed behind him as he leaned back, resting his weight against the solid oak of the door. Arched his back and cocked his head, baring his throat as if it were being given in offering.

As if he were being given in offering.

There weren't anymore words then. But there wasn't a need for them anymore.

Not when arms were wrapping around his waist, drawing him in and up. Not when his feet were leaving the ground and all he could do was cry out, chapped lips falling apart, bright eyes fluttering closed in anticipation.

It was gentle. So soft and mindful of the sore flesh. But it didn't stop the prince from plundering his mouth. From licking inside and tracing along his teeth. From deepening their connection until all he could do was lift his own arms and wrap them around strong shoulders and try to forget about the way his lungs burned from lack of oxygen.

There was a quick, desperate gasp for air when the prince pulled away, eye lids rapidly fluttering as he tried to open them. Only to have his efforts go to waste. Because he was being pulled back in. Was having his mouth tasted and taken and he could only hold on. Could only whimper and sigh, tongue lapping against the princes, a willing, eager participate.

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