Chapter 5.0

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It felt like a dream. Like at any moment he would open his eyes and it would all be gone.

Each time he awoke in the beautiful opulence of the room he had been given it felt like a gift. A strange occurrence that shouldn't have happened.

Because he didn't want this. Didn't want to be forced into another role that wouldn't be of his own choosing. He certainly hadn't picked to be born the son of a horse handler. Nor had it been his grand vision to be a baker, working in hot and humid conditions, slowly letting his beauty deteriorate as he was hidden away.

But this, what was being asked of him, it all felt like too much. Such a change from the simple life he had lead before.

And the prince was -

Handsome. So handsome. He could barely stand to look at him.

Gentle. Soft and caring. Always touched him as though he were made out of glass. Something fragile and precious.

Sweet and not at all the way he had made himself out to seem.

His prince.

But he was no princess who needed to be saved from a tower, and there was no such thing as dragons. Fairy tales did not exist and he knew that his life was not meant to mirror one.

That he was not meant for perfect.


"Seokjin?" It had been nearly a week since that night spent together in the library, and his time with the prince had been short. And he found himself worrying endlessly. That perhaps they weren't such a perfect match after all. That the prince had changed his mind. Silly thoughts that he tried to rid himself of as quickly as they formed.

"Jungkook!" He had been sitting at the desk that lined one of the walls, a heavy thing made out of solid wood. Writing what he had intended to be a letter to his parents, hoping that he could ask Taehyung how he might have it delivered.

But the prince had interrupted his thoughts, and he did not even try to get them back. Pushed himself away and up out of the chair as quickly as he could manage without tripping all over himself and being an embarrassment.

"Excited to see me, little one?" It had been an entire day. He had sent Taehyung to give the other a hand written message the previous night, apologizing for being unable to see him. It would likely only got worse as things progressed. As they got closer to their mating.

Their mating.

No one cared if they were in love or not. No one cared if there was any affection between them. All they cared about what that an appropriate match had been found. That Seokjin was sweet and beautiful were only added benefits.

"And if I did?" Part of him wanted to simply jump into the princes arms. Wanted to touch and be touched so badly that he almost felt starved for it. But he didn't want to appear as desperate as he felt, so he refrained.

"Then I would say that I missed you too." Charming. That was the word he had been trying to think of. His prince was so charming. Could make absolutely anyone melt simply by flashing them that smile.

"Then I did. Very much." So much that his hands were twitching at his sides, wanting to reach out and grasp into whatever he could.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Those arms were being spread apart, opened in offering and he was sure he felt his heart stop beating all together. "Come here."

He didn't hesitate then. Took one step forward and then another. Until the space between them had closed and his own arms were lifting, wrapping about the others neck and pulling him downwards.

Arranged | Jinkook ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat