Chapter 14.0

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Once blissfully warm water transformed into murky gray, swirling with specks of dirt and blood that had dried down on to his skin. And he tried desperately not to think of how the wounds had been form. Or how he was meant to explain them. Perhaps, somehow, the universe would finally be on his side and it would already be done for him.

But the truth was his luck just simply wasn't that good. This was a mess that he had created, and it was a mess he was going to have to get himself out of. No amount of wishing on imaginary stars was going to make it any better.


"Will you take this to him?" It was nothing more than a sheet of fresh parchment that had been folded carefully. There was no seal. No royal engraving of the intended name. Just a blank canvas where a few choice words had been etched.

"Of course." He watched as it was handled so gently, tucked away into a pocket, instantly becoming hidden from view. "He'll want to see you."

"I know. I want to see him too." And he did. Everything within him wanted his prince. Wanted to be held fast within those arms that loved him so much. "But I need a moment."

"Alright." Taehyung was so different now. Like all of his rough edges had been softened. And he realized that this was probably the person who he truly was, hidden away behind the mask he was forced to wear. "Can I -"

"Always." It was said without even so much as a second thought, and it was enough to make him laugh for the first time in what felt like days. "Please come see me? I can't explain it but... I feel like I've been missing you for a very long time."

"Yeah. I know the feeling."


'My Prince,

All that I need from you is your heart.



All that I need from you is your heart.

Those words echoed endlessly through his mind, a record that never stopped playing.

Because he knew that's all that Seokjin desired from him. Knew all he wanted was the security that came from believing in their love.

And yet all he had given him was reason to doubt. All he had shown was why he didn't deserve the gift that Seokjin had to give.

All I have to give you is myself.

All Seokjin had was himself. His own heart and soul. His own love which over flowed with such abundance he could hardly with stand it. His sweetness, like fresh molten honey. His lips and his eyes and kisses which fell like raindrops on roses.

All he wanted was Seokjin. Even the memory of Jimin paled in comparison.

Even the memory of a promise that was left unfulfilled suddenly became nothing more than a cautionary tale of a bygone love.

All he wanted was Seokjin.


What had he even been expecting? For his knock to be answered instantly? For Seokjin to jump into his waiting arms with the same joy as he had always displayed before, thankful simply to have his prince back at his side?

No. Of course not. Even he was wise enough to know that wasn't how this scenario was going to go.

But for there to be no answer at all, no hint of acknowledgement cut through him like a red hot knife searing into flesh, meant to burn and wound so deep it may never fully heal. To know that Seokjin was right there, and all that separated them was a flimsy lock made of metal and a door made of wood.

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