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How long had it been? It was impossible to know.

All around them stood the ruins of what once had been, a history that was only vaguely remembered.

But both of them carried the scars of it deep within their souls. Their minds never healing from the damage that had been done.

Everyone who knew their story was gone now and only they remained. Still walking the earth as though they had been placed upon it yesterday.

There were so many memories locked away within his mind now. Centuries filled with happiness. With sadness. With emotions that had no name. With pain and suffering. With joy.

He moved through the halls like a ghost, an enity that no longer had a place within them. Touched the surface with his fingertips and tried to keep the images at bay. Of candle light and stone and the sound of voices he would never hear again.

Once this had been his world. In another life when he had been someone else.

A prince. Once upon a time he had been a prince. Like some living fairy tale that could only ever have a happy ending.

A thousand life times had gone by since that moment and he had been so many things. A carpenter. A baker. A teacher. Had moved from one life to the next like water shifting within the ocean, reforming and changing and becoming different.

But somethings stayed the same. He had always been a husband. A man who was so desperately in love that nothing could sway his heart and mind. The mate of a soul that matched his exactly.

Even now, standing back here at begining when they were so close to the end, he could feel it. Knew that this was where it had started. Where that loved had formed.

There were so many things that hadn't mattered. Looking back at it all know he could see it so plainly. Still wished, even now, that it had been different.

But then everything would be different, and he wouldn't change the ending for anything. Not even a better beginning.

Their fates had been arranged from the moment their souls had been born into the world, and what was meant to be would always find a way to exist.

And they were always meant to be.


A/N: So I originally had two different ideas on how to end this:

The first one was obviously that the prophecy was wrong. They go back, Jungkook takes the throne, rubs it in his mother's face a little bit and everything turns out fine. That was probably the happier of the two endings, honestly. 

The second - and the one that ended up happening - is this. They run away. And while they're free, they constantly have to change who they are. They become many things - and I'll let you guys just imagine all of it. It's the sadder of the two - more bittersweet because they're together, but things don't go perfectly. 

So this is the end! Thank you so much for sticking with me! This one has been crazy - and I think I wrapped up all the loose ends but if I didn't - or you just have questions - please let me know! I love hearing from you guys.  

Arranged | Jinkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now