Chapter 22.0

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"You look -" But the words seemed shallow when he had spent the entirety of the evening hearing the same ones.

Some of them were pretty, he would admit. Dressed up and spoken properly, like the compliments they were supposed to be. Praising him on his poise, on how well he had followed royal protocol. He was doing so well.

For a commoner. Someone who was beneath all of them. And that had been made abundantly clear over and over and over again. It didn't matter what his future title may be. For now he was still lower in station than the dirt beneath their feet.

Some of them were vulgar, words he would rather not remember and dwell on. About how good certain parts of his anatomy looked in those silk pants. And he would gently attempt to remind them that he was, in fact, the princes. That he was already claimed. That he was, inn essence, the princes newest, shiniest, prettiest possession and he most certainly would not like his new thing being talked about this way.

It didn't seem to stop them though. No. They would only laugh and continue on like nothing had happened.

Frankly if he had to hear one more word of praise - weather his apparently glorious ass was involved or not - about himself he was probably going to embarrass the royal family irreparably by puking all over the place.

"Don't." He especially did not want to hear those words come from Taehyung's mouth. Something sour had settled in the pit of his stomach when it came to the other. Something heavy and unshakable. And he wondered how much of his help had been given hoping to lead him down a particular path. "Please."

"Our Lord from the North seems to have taken a liking to you." It was said with amusement, but the truth behind the words made his head spin. Because he had been forced into the other's arm repeatedly over the course of the night, having to constantly give in to each and every request to be swept off his feet and on to the dance floor.

"Please don't remind me." He hadn't seen Jungkook in felt like hours, although truly he was aware that it couldn't have been nearly that long. That realistically, he was busy making connections of his own. Charming people of his own. Moving among the most honored guest in ways he couldn't. "If I have to dance with that man again I think I will end up puking on his shoes."

"Well, looks like we're in luck because he's coming this way." He couldn't. He wouldn't. He absolutely refused. Because despite how many times he protested, that mans hands always strayed into inappropriate places and it took everything within him not to bite at whatever exposed skin he could reach and run as far away as he could.

"Oh god." He felt dizzy and sick at the sight of the man moving through the crowd, seemingly intent on returning to him. "You have to do something. I'm not lying, Taehyung. I really will ruin his shoes."

"What are advisers for if not saving the ones they look after?" There was deeper meaning there. He knew there was. Could feel it in the way the other smiled at him. At the way his eyes softened as he spoke. How gently he held out his hand in offering.

And part of him wondered if it was just residual. Just left over feelings that hadn't entirely faded yet. If it were just force of habit to be this way with him. As thought Taehyung couldn't stand the thought of someone treating him as though he were anything less than precious crystal that could shatter at any moment.

But he wasn't going to shatter. Wasn't going to break. Had forced himself to hardened into plaster, until his edges were smooth and hoist façade was perfect.

Until he was perfect.

"May I have this dance, your future majesty?" There were really only two options, weren't there?

Arranged | Jinkook ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن