Chapter 2.0

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He didn't speak.

He wanted to. There was so much that he wanted to say. Wanted to ask. Wanted to know.

What did any of this mean?

Did it mean that he was chosen? That he was the one who would have to serve this - apparently - most sacred role? Was he meant to give up the only life that he had ever known to partake in this one?

But he supposed that's what an arranged marriage was. Something neither party actually wanted, but were forced to carry out anyway.

And so the walk was silent. Until one of them chose to break it.

"So -" The other's voice was deep, but it wasn't as intimidating as it should have been. "Sorry you had to witness that. As you can tell, his highness doesn't exactly see eye to eye with his mom."

It was informal and strange and for a moment he thought about simply not responding. But it would be rude if he didn't, and no doubt word of it would get back to the those who had the power to ruin his entire family line for generations to come.

"It's alright. Really." It had been awkward. Of course it had. Standing there knowing he apparently wasn't the prince's first choice. But then again, he supposed he was never going to be. There had been dozens of other's before him, all ready and willing and able should any singular hint of interest be provided. "The prince was very charming."

"Yeah, that's him alright. Prince charming. Except for when he first wakes up in the morning. And any time after that." He got the distinct feeling that the other was trying to lighten the mood. Was trying to make this all easier for him. But nothing was going to make this any better.

"I'm sure he's -" Wonderful. He meant to say wonderful. But the word just wouldn't come. "Where are you taking me?"

"To the princes private quarters. It's where you'll probably be living anyway, so I'd make myself comfortable." Where he would probably be living anyway.

Did that mean he would never get to go back home? That he would never get to see his parents again? That he wouldn't even get to say goodbye?

"But I'm not -"

"Of age yet? Yeah, let me tell you how much that does not matter to the royal family. In fact, I think Jungkook's mom was underage when she married his father." That was somewhere between insanely alarming and mildly awkward. finding out family secrets when he wasn't even a part of it.


"We don't even know if he chose me. He could just -"

"Oh believe me, he's gonna choose you. I mean how could he not. Have you looked in a mirror lately?" He knew that it was meant as a compliment. He did. And yet it only made his discomfort grow. "And listen, I've known Jungkook since we were both toddlers, okay. He's never looked any one the way he looked at you. Not even Jimin."

"Who -" He wanted to ask. He did. But he got the distinct feeling that he was far better off just not knowing.

"Jimin is - well was, I guess - a friend of ours. But as it turned out, his parents were never actually married. So when his dad died, his mom got nothing. So she ended up running away to a different coven and marrying someone else."

"But if the prince wishes for Jimin to be his mate then why -" Why would they not allow it? Sure this whole process may have been tradition. But it would have been simple to work around it. To simply make Jimin one of the candidates.

"Because they saw it as a betrayal. They were very close to Jimin's parents. His father was even in the King's inner circle. So when they found out the truth, it was like a slap in the face. Besides, Jimin's not human. And rules state that the prince must sire his mate." He had been trying to forget about that part. Had been desperately trying to think of what his future may hold.

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