"Honestly, sometimes he really gets on my nerves." Antares sighed to Natasha as they walked down the hall.

"Sometimes he just loves to provoke people." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, but it's always fun to rile someone up, don't you think, My Love?" Loki asked as he materialised beside his partner.

"What did he do?" Antares asked.

"Why don't you think I did anything?" Loki asked.

"Because he was the one with the butter knife and you were looking for trouble." She rolled her eyes, one twitching as a low rumble filled her mind and she was quick to push it down. "It didn't take you long to get bored."

"Well, let's just say that he won't warm up to me as easily as the others." He laughed.

"Yeah, no shit." The two girls laughed together walking off towards the rec room down the hall from the kitchens, leaving Clint to chill off.

Antares and Loki spent the rest of the evening feeling useless as they tried to stay out of the scientists way while also trying to keep Antares' mind off the could be's and maybe's. Natasha had also spent time with them, also being useless in the science field and also having been told to take a step back from Tony.

"Hi, um, wow." Came a man's voice from the open doorway. Antares looked up from her deck of cards while natasha sat her deck face down on the table. Loki, confused, sat his cards down face up causing Natasha to called him out on a lie.

"You told me you didn't have a king!" She yelled, pissed. "You told me to 'pick up fish', you lier!"

"Natasha, he's literally the god of mischief." Antares sighed.

"That doesn't mean you lie in Go Fish." She shot back.

"Umm, am I interrupting?" The man asked.

"No." Antares laughed.

"Yes!" Nat snapped.

"I didn't have the king when you asked." Loki grumbled as he decided to flip his card deck upside down.

"This is bullshit, you haven't picked up a single card since I asked." She tried to reason.

"Actually he did. I told him to go fish." Antares agreed with Loki.

"How dare you take his side." She gasped.

"I think I'll just..."

"Oh my god, Nat stop." Antares laughed.

"You're just a big fat lire. Is anything that comes out of your mouth a truth?"

"I sure hope so." Antares sighed before turning to the dark haired man in the doorway looking slightly out of place. "Hi, I don't believe we've met. I'm Antares, and you are?"

"Oh, uh... I know who you are. You were like the first enhanced the public had seen. You're so cool.... I mean, hi, I'm Scott Lang - Ant-man is my hero name."

"Well, Scott Lang, it's nice to meet you. May I help you with something."

"Oh, um... the suits are ready. Clint is about to take it for a test run."

At that, everyone stopped what they were doing and discarded their cards on the table. Nat was the first to stand and follow the man out of the room while Antares turned towards her significant other, slapping his chest.

"You cheat." She managed to hiss out through a laugh.

"You lie like smooth mead." Loki smirked at her, a slight twinkle in his eyes as he watched the woman he loved smirked up at him before shaking her hair and pulling it over her shoulders.

"I love you and I would lie for you always, but that's the last time I lie for you to Nat." She answered before staking out of the room. "A fucking king. Seriously Loki, you couldn't have just given her a king." She muttered under her breath, exhausted.

Clint stood in the middle of the large circular platform that Rocket and Tony had built. He wore a white and red suit with a nanobot helmet. Antares noticed that he looked apprehensive, while all the others were nervous. Well, apart from Thor, who wore headphones and held his hands on his hips.

"We're going in three, two, one." Banner called. It was almost like Clint was swallowed up by a whole in the platform as he shrunk and disappeared.

"Please let this work." She whispered, crossing her fingers.

"It won't work." A dark echoing voice filled her mind and she chose to ignore it.

"And we're brining him back in three, two, one."

In an instant Clint was back on the platform, doubled over and groaning in pain. Natasha was the first to reach him, asking if he was okay. In his hand he held a baseball glove, something he didn't have before.

It worked.

Antares: The Lost Star [MARVEL] Loki LaufeysonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz