"Good morning!" Finny merrily replied, coming over to stand at your side with a delighted smile on his face while Baldroy naturally gravitated over to where Mey-Rin was.

"We were actually just on our way over to meet the two of you," Bard spoke up in saying, his words gaining the attention of both Mey-Rin and you and Finny nodded his head in agreement. "Since we have the Manor to ourselves why not throw a grand picnic. Let's go all out," he bemusedly laughed seeming excited for the rest of the plan and although you sighed, you couldn't help the smile that grew on your face.

"Why not," you laughed, happily agreeing with the cook and delighted expressions crossed each of the others faces as Mey-Rin and Finny lightly cheered. "It's not like Ciel is here to say anything."

"Alright! Then we'll make this the best of picnics we've ever had!" Mey-Rin triumphantly declared, clenching her fist in sheer determination and earning a few laughs from the others and you. "(Y/N) and Finny, the two of you go collect the blankets and the baskets. Bard and I will begin preparing the food. When the two of you are done come help us."

"Yes ma'am!" Finny and you exclaimed in unison before giving each other a glance and laughing in amusement.

"Alright! Bard let's go!" The maid demanded of the cook, the two of them exchanging an amused smile with each other. After making sure that Finny and you were set, the two of them gave a small wave of their hands before walking down the hallway, hand in hand towards the kitchen.

"We'll be sure to head there once we're done!" You called out to both the cook and the maid, watching as they disappeared down the hallway and seeing this, you turned to face Finny.

"From what I remember the blankets are in one of the closest in the manner and the baskets are in the pantry so we can just get it when we go to the kitchen to help the others," Finny said, seeming bashful now that the two of you were alone and a small smile crossed onto your face at this.

"Then what are we waiting for," you humored, giving the gardener a smile, one that he returned and he seemed to visibly relax after this.

Giving each other amused looks, the two of you quickly headed down the hall on the search to find the blankets. The manor was fairly quiet and it was nice to enjoy this moment with Finny at your side. A small yawn left you upon making the way down the hallway, Finny quickly noticing this and he turned to face you as he walked.

"How did you sleep?" He asked curiously, the hints of worriedness evident in his gaze.

Seeing his worried nature made a small feeling of happiness run through you. It was nice to have someone constantly worry about you, not to mention always make sure that you were alright.

"Don't worry Finny. I slept pretty fine. Actually, I ended up sleeping for a lot longer than I thought I would," you sheepishly said still feeling slightly bad that Mey-Rin had to come wake you up for the morning.

"I'm glad." He seemed to sigh in relief, that concerned expression on his face slowly fading away. "Sorry if it seems like I worry to much," he suddenly said, his soft words making you curiously turn to face the gardener. "After what had happened to you those months prior, I can't help not to worry. After you came back, you kept having nightmares and I didn't know what to do..." He trailed off, a clouded expression crossing his face as he thought back to those months.

Seeing him like this, you couldn't help but feel guilty for once again making him and the others worry about you so much after you had returned to the Phantomhive manor. Earnestly, you reached out and grabbed onto his hand, the sudden action surprising the blonde hair boy and he quickly turned to look at you. "Thanks for worrying about me so much back then Finny. If you and the others had never stayed by my side I don't know where I would be."

Is This Fate or Misfortune?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon