It's Fucking Five A.M. (Kai)

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Imagine Kai waking you up at five in the morning on Christmas to play in the snow

Dating Kai Parker was a blessing, just as much as it was a curse. While he was a loving and thoughtful boyfriend, he could also be annoying as hell. He's especially annoying when he wakes you up early when you don't need to be up yet.

"Y/n," Kai said, poking your arm, before slightly shaking it, in an attempt to wake you up.

"What?" You groaned, not opening your eyes, and not moving.

"Get up! It's Christmas!" Kai exclaimed before pouncing on you, causing your eyes to shoot straight open. Kai was on top of you, pinning you arms above your head to the pillow. Your eyes were wide at his sudden action. He smiled when he saw your eyes open, "It's snowing out, we need to go play in the snow!"

"What time is it?" You asked, glancing over at the clock that was on your nightstand. You almost wanted to murder Kai when you saw the time, "Kai, it's fucking five in the morning. Go back to sleep." You broke your arms from his grasp and attempted to push the siphoner off of you, but he was a lot stronger than you.

"No, now get up," Kai said, resting his hands on your stomach. He looked like a little lost puppy that wanted attention.

"Malachai Parker, get off of me and go back to bed," you said, trying to sound threatening. But your words didn't seem to affect Kai in the slightest.

"I said no," Kai said, "Come on. Hurry up, I wanna play in the snow."

"And I wanna go back to sleep," you replied.

"Please, Y/n? Afterwards I'll make us hot cocoa, and we can cuddle and open presents," Kai said, knowing if it involved cuddling and hot cocoa, you wouldn't say no.

"Fine," you said, rolling your eyes. Kai gave you a victory smile, before getting off so you could get dressed and put some warmer clothes on. You got out of bed and went to the bathroom, before getting ready to go outside. You slipped on some warm pants, a sweatshirt, before going downstairs. You put on some boots, gloves, a hat, a winter jacket and a scarf, before looking outside. Kai was already outside, enjoying the snow. 

You sighed, before opening the door and heading outside. It wasn't nearly as cold as you thought it would be, but it was still freezing. Kai was sticking his tongue out in an attempt to catch a snow flake on his tongue. You smiled at your boyfriend, before running to him. You ran straight into him, and since he wasn't expecting it, you easily knocked him down. Kai smiled at you as you sat on top of him, giving him a smile.

"I win," you annouced.  Kai smirked, before grabbing your waist and pinning you to the ground.

"Actually I win," Kai said, as you rolled your eyes, pretending not to care.

"Whatever," you said, "Want to build a snowman?" Kai's eyes lit up at your question.

"Yeah!" Kai exclaimed, immediately getting off of you and running to the front of your house, "Let's do it right here." You agreed and began building the snowman along with Kai. He was working on the big snowball at the bottom, while you worked on the second one. Finally, Kai was done with the bottom and you were done with the middle one. Kai helped you lift the snowball onto the bottom one, before turning to you.

"Can you go grab some mittens, a scarf, a carrot and a hat?" Kai asked, bending down so he could make the top snowball for the snowman.

"Sure," you replied, going inside and doing as he asked. You opened the closet where you kept all the winter stuff, and grabbed a dark blue striped hat, some black mittens, and a checkered black and white scarf, before going to the kitchen. You grabbed a carrot for the snowman, before going back outside. Kai had already put the third snowball onto the snowman and found some sticks for arms, as well as some rocks for buttons. 

You smiled, before walking over to your boyfriend. Kai smiled in return, before taking the carrot, and placing it on the snowman's face. He grabbed some rocks from his pocket for the eyes and mouth. After he did that, you put the hat, gloves, and scarf on the snowman, before stepping back and smiling at your work.

"Can we name it?" Kai asked, excitedly.

"Sure, Kai. What do you wanna name it?" You asked, causing Kai to think for a minute.

"Y/n Jr.," Kai replied. You smiled at his response, before leaning in and giving him a kiss.

"I love you," you said.

"I love you too," Kai replied, "Now let's get inside, it's cold out."


The Next Day

"Y/n!" Kai yelled, his voice sounding distraught and upset.

"What?" You called back, pulling on your zip-up hoodie. You had heard Kai yelled while you were trying to do your hair for the date you were going on with Kai. His voice was clearly coming from outside, so you quickly zipped up your hoodie, before coming out. You came out, and saw Kai on his knees, crying in front of where your snowman used to be. You frowned, "Kai, are you crying?" You bended down next to him and put a hand on his back to comfort him, "What's wrong?"

"It's gone," Kai sobbed, causing you to raise an eyebrow.

"What's gone?" You asked, concerned and confused.

"Y/n Jr.," Kai said, causing you to pull away.

"Are you seriously crying over a dumb snowman?" You asked.

"That was our child!" Kai exclaimed, pointing to where the snowman was, "Do you have no feelings?"

"Says you," you said, scoffing, before frowning at where the snowman was, to make Kai happy, "But I guess I'm upset that the our child is gone too."

"Let's have a real one!" Kai suddenly exclaimed, his tears gone.

"Kai, no!"

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