Cotton Candy (Rebekah)

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Imagine going to an amusement park with Rebekah

Rebekah held your hand in hers as you walked through the crowded amusement park. You had came a little later, since you went to dinner before this. She was looking around at various options and deciding what she wanted to do. When she couldn't decide she turned to you, her girlfriend of one month. 

"What do you think, Y/n. Should we get cotton candy or ride a roller coaster ?" She asked.

"Roller coaster," you replied, and she turned towards the ride and beginning walking towards it. You stopped near the end of the line to wait your turn, but Rebekah let your hand slip away and walked past the line to the front, where a worker stood. She talked to him for a moment, before he nodded.

Rebekah used her hand to tell you to come there. You walked from your spot, and towards where Rebekah was. She lifted up the rope and allowed you to slip through. The ride ended and passengers got off. After everybody was off, the worker allowed you and Rebekah to board the ride. You got in the front, and held onto the handlebar, tight. Unlike Rebekah, you were human and could die, and you had fun on roller coaster but you always did this just to be safe.

The ride started and you and Rebekah went up and down various hills. By the end, you were both smiling, since it was fun. You two got off and went to the exit.

"Where to next?" She asked.

"Games?" You asked.

"Sure," she responded, and led you to a game where you had to throw the basketball in the hoop. As you played, you had your eyes set on a giant red stuffed bear. You and Rebekah were facing another couple to see who could win. Rebekah was playing, since she was better at it than you. And due to her heightened senses, she easily won. Once the other couple walked away, the worker asked what prize you two wanted. Rebekah followed your eyes to giant red bear.

"The red bear," she said, and he reached over and grabbed it. He handed it to your girlfriend. You two walked away, and when you got about ten feet away she still held the big bear in her arms.

"Here you go," she said, handing it you. You hugged it, smiling at her.

"Thanks Bekah," you said, kissing her cheek.

"Anytime, Y/n, now would you like to get some cotton candy and then ride the ferriswheel?" Rebekah questioned.

"Sure," you happily replied, and your girlfriend led you over to the cotton candy stand. She got one stick of cotton candy for the two of you to share, before walking over to ferriswheel line. She once again compelled the worker, and let you two in the front of the line.

The worker allowed you two to get on, and the ride slowly went up. You and Rebekah talked about your current lives. Finally, you two reached the top. There was a tiny bit of cotton candy left on the stick. You and Rebekah kept grabbing little bits off of the stick, until it was all gone. You and Rebekah licked your fingers clean. You sat the stick down next to you, as Rebekah was starting at you.

"Why are you staring, do I-" you were cut off by Rebekah pressing her lips to yours. After a moment, she pulled away, and licked her lips.

"I got it," the original annouced, smirking at you and licking her lips. You giggled in response and smiled at her.

"I love you so much, Bekah," you said.

"Aw, well, I love you too, Y/n," Rebekah said, smirking at you.

TVD Universe ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora