Caroline's Little Sister (Klaus)

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Imagine being Caroline's little sister and Klaus having a crush on you

Being the younger sister of Caroline Forbes definitely wasn't the best thing in the world, but it wasn't the worst either. Sure, you got a bunch of people protecting you, looking after you, but that also prevented you from making a lot of your own decisions. It always seemed like somebody was controlling your life for you, and you hated it. You knew it was just because they loved you and cared for you, but you wanted to nothing more than to be free for once. 

It wasn't like you were a helpless human, you got turned at the same time as your sister. You were just as strong and powerful as her, and you could take care of yourself. What made it even worse was that the original hybrid had taken a liking to you. That put everybody else on extra protective mode but you couldn't help but feel something for him.

You knew it was wrong and that you should hate him, but you couldn't bring yourself to. It was wrong to care for him, but you did anyway, despite what Caroline and her friends had told you. And that is exactly why you were attending the Mikaelson ball like he had asked you too. He had given you a dress and despite Caroline's efforts to convince you not to go, you decided to go anyway. 

You checked your hair and makeup in the mirror, before going out the door and to Caroline's car. You got into the passenger's side, and looked to her.

"Ready to go?" You asked.

"Yeah, I still can't believe you're going with Klaus," Caroline said, driving towards the mansion.

"I know, but I couldn't just say no," you said, rereading the invitation that sat in your lap.

"Are you sure? Cause I'm pretty sure you could have," Caroline said, obviously annoyed by your arguing.

"Can we not do this right now, Care. Please?" You asked.

"Fine, but we're talking about it later," she said, and you nodded.

"Sure, whatever," you replied, as you got closer to your destination. You let the radio music fill the silence that resulted from the conversation you and Caroline had just had. Finally, you pulled up and you unbuckled and went to get out.

"Wait, wait, don't go so fast there, Y/n," Caroline said, grabbing your arm, "Be careful, I'm going to keep an eye on you from afar. I won't let Klaus hurt you."

"Care, if I thought Klaus was going to hurt me, I wouldn't have come tonight," you said, "I trust him."

"How? Y/n, he's just going to end up hurting you," Caroline said.

"Look Caroline, I get it. He's done terrible, awful things to you and your friends, but I think that there's more to Klaus than we think there is. He's not heartless, I know that much. Now let me be free for one night," you said.

"Fine," Caroline said, letting go of your arm, "One night. I love you, be safe."

"Love you too, thank you," you replied, smiling at her, and getting out of the car. You walked through the doors and went into the ball. You immediately began looking around for Klaus, and after a moment you found him. He stared at you for a moment, as if amazed by your appearance. You began walked towards him, offering him a small smile. Klaus gave you a smirk in return.

"Hello love," he said, when you reached him.

"Hello Klaus, you look rather handsome," you said, smiling at him.

"You look stunning, the dress fits you well. Can I offer you a drink?" He questioned.

"I'd love a drink," you replied, walking with him as he brought you with him to get you a glass of wine. He handed you it and you smiled, as you began talking.

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