It's Always Been You (Damon)

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Imagine being Damon's best friend and him realizing he loves you as he is about to marry Elena

Damon and you had been best friends for years now, you two never purposely betrayed or hurt the other. But along with that, you let yourself fall for him, but he never looked at you in that way. He always had his eyes on Elena, and now they were marrying each other.

They had took the cure, and now they were getting married, but no matter how much it hurt, you knew there wasn't a damn thing you could do. You could do something, but in doing so it would hurt Damon, and Elena, who was also your friend. So, there you were sitting in the front row looking at Damon who was all dressed in a suit, he looked amazing. 

He looked at you, and in return you smiled and gave him a wink as a sign of good luck. But as he looked at you, something in his expression changed. You raised an eyebrow at this, but then music started, snapping Damon out of whatever trance he was in. Everybody looked to the door, as Elena walked down the aisle, dressed in a beautiful white dress. She was holding a bouquet of red roses.

Her hair was tied back into a bun, with a white flower decoration. A smile was on her face as she walked down the aisle, her eyes full of joy and pure happiness. Damon smiled back in return, but as she got closer, he realized that this didn't feel right. He glanced back at you, and your eyes were on Elena, the girl who took away the man you loved. You couldn't blame him or her though, they were perfect for each other. 

Elena finally reached the front, and stood in front of the man she loved, the man she was meant to marry. She still had a huge smile on her face.

"Ladies, and gentlemen, we are here to celebrate the union of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert," the priest spoke, "Now Damon and Elena have decided to write their own vows, so you two may begin now." Elena passed her flowers away, and Damon held her hands. 

"Damon we've had a complicated past, but I know one thing, and that is that I love you, and I always will," Elena started, and proceeded to continue with her vows, reciting different memories, and finally it was Damon's turn.

"Elena Gilbert," Damon spoke, before gently removed her hands from his. Elena's face held a look of confusion, as well as a lot of other people's in the crowd. He spoke again, glancing at you, before back at Elena, "I'm sorry, I made a huge mistake." He walked away, slipping his hands into his pockets. Elena's face was full of heartbreak and confusion.

"I'll talk to him," you spoke up, over all the chatter in the crowd, Elena glanced at you and nodded, offering you a small and fake smile. You got up from your seat and walked out the door, and walked to the doors.

"Damon!" You called out, when you didn't see him, you continued walking and you walked to where he went to think. Whenever he had to think, he went to the lake that he met you by. The lake wasn't far from the church and he must have ran to get there so quickly. As you approached it, you saw him sitting on a stump at the lake, looking into the water. You stepped on a branch, getting his attention.

"Hey, Y/n," he spoke, as you came over and sat in the sand beside him.

"Damon, what the hell happened?" You asked, looking up at him. He glanced down at you and sighed.

"I realized I loved someone more than I loved Elena," Damon said, messing with the end of his suit sleeves. 

"Okay, well who? And why so suddenly?" You asked.

"As I stood there, I realized that I wanted to see somebody else walking down that aisle, somebody other than Elena. And I don't know if she returns my feelings, but I don't want to marry anybody else but her," Damon explained.

"Okay, well, who is she?" You questioned, still confused.

"I'll give you some hints," Damon said, giving you a questioning look, causing you to nod, "Alright, she has e/c eyes, and h/c hair. She has a heart of gold, and she does whatever she can to save her friends. She doesn't give up on her friends, or family, no matter how much it hurts her." As you listened to him speak, your eyes widened in realization. He offered a small smile, when he saw the look on your face.

"M-Me?" You questioned, not believing it, causing Damon to nod.

"It's always been you, Y/n. You were always there for me, no matter what. When me and Elena fought, you were there. When I was feeling down or mad, you were there to help, and when I was standing up there, I realized something," Damon said, and you nodded for him to go on, "I love you, Y/n. And I will always love you, even if you don't love me." You were staying silent, making Damon grow worried, "So, do you?"

"I-" You were about to make up an excuse, to spare Elena's feeling and spare the friendship, but there was no use in lying, "I love you too, Damon." You didn't take a moment to process anything, before Damon was in the sand with you, kissing you. His hands were on either side of your face as he passionately kissed you. After a moment, he pulled away and smiled at you.

"You have to apologize to her," you said, and Damon groaned.

"I know, but why do we need to talk about her, right now? When I have the woman I love more than anything right here," he pointed out, causing you to smile.

"I love you too, wedding ruiner," you said, giving him a new nickname.

"Ouch, is that a permanent nickname?" Damon asked.

"Maybe," you said, dragging out the e. He smiled, before pinning you to the ground and kissing you again, you giggled when he pulled away. You two were perfectly happy, before you heard the voice of his younger brother.

"Damon, what the hell!?"

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