Cute Things They Do (All)

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Damon Salvatore:

Damon would totally buy you clothes that he wants to see you in and leave them on your bed at random times. Like, it's ridiculous how often you go into your room and find a bag with new clothes on your bed. He literally had to buy you a new dresser to fit everything he bought you.

Stefan Salvatore:

Stefan definitely insists on opening car doors for you, like if you get out and he wasn't the one opening the door, he will stand there until you get back in and let him open the door for you. He also won't let you carry the groceries or stuff from the store in, unless you really want to help.

Klaus Mikaelson:

I'm convinced that Klaus would constantly draw you and leave the drawings for you to find. Like you have hundreds of drawings that Klaus made of you. You'll literally just be sitting there in your sweatpants, over sized hoodie, no make up, messy hair, and eating a bag of chips and Klaus is over here drawing you. And if you even think about mentioning how bad you look and how he shouldn't draw you right now, then you're definitely getting a huge lecture, that lasts at least half an hour.

Elijah Mikaelson:

Elijah's the type of boyfriend that will constantly cook for you. Like you'll wake up and he's there holding a tray with your favorite breakfast, and this happens at least three times a week. He also likes cooking with you, but if you keep messing up, he'll give you easier tasks so he doesn't offend you by kicking you out, and you'll still have good food.

Kai Parker:

Kai's one hundred percent the type of boyfriend that would propose to you every single time he eats a ring pop. And then one time he would surprise you by ditching the ring pop, and actually proposing to you.

Rebekah Mikaelson:

Rebekah will definitely like having girl's nights with you. Like you two have a night at least once a week or once every two weeks if she's busy where you're completely relaxed. You guys will play your favorite songs and do stuff like face masks, doing each other's hair, gossip about Klaus or her other siblings. It's just a night where the two of you relax and talk about the things happening in your lives.

Hope Mikaelson:

You cannot tell me that Hope isn't the type of girlfriend that would leave you little notes about how much she appreciates you. She doesn't seem very romantic, but she's lost way too many people and wants you to know how much she loves and appreciates you. Most of the time the notes are just written on sticky notes and slipped into your school binder. Sometimes it's just a simple "I love you" or "Thank you for everything" and other times it's a whole essay about how much she loves you. Like she'll have to use multiple sticky notes cause she keeps running out of room. And she'll number them all so you know what order to read them in.

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