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December 2020


Hey, guess what? Yes, you, reading this! Thanks for listening for a sec. We have news to share.

It's been a long time coming but, despite COVID, despite #dramas, and despite Falcon's attempts to totally take over the world, we finally finished writing down everything that happened since we last spoke to you.

It's been a tough year, to say the least. We hope it's been kinder to you than us.

If you want to find out what happened to the Flight, to Carter and the Angelists, and yes, to the Evolutionaries - you will NOT BELIEVE what the Evos did!!! Holy FLAP - please go check out our story on Amazon. 

We put so much time and effort into writing it down in a way you'd actually enjoy reading, and then had to cope with all these expert publisher people telling us everything wrong with it (again, Falcon had to slash of more of his anecdotes than the rest of us, please make sure he's in your thoughts & prayers tonight), we'd really like to know that all the heartache and pain and sometimes literal blood (no, not Falcon ... that was Condor, that one) was worth it.

Sorry, what was that?

You want to know what Condor did?

Guess what ... you're going to have to read the book to find out about that. And how Kestrel and Tui totally kicked ass, and I saved the day. No, really, I did. Ish. 

Also ... I don't know how to say this without spoilers, but ... Owl and Raven.


Did NOT see that coming.

It also turns out there aren't just seven of us?

There are other Icari out there in the world. Some probably don't even know it yet.

One of them could be you.

If it is, call me? ;)

Ouch. Kess just whacked me with her wing. Message received. I gotta go. But before I do, please remember that while the Flight aren't on Wattpad much anymore, we're still around. Please come hang out with us in our books. We miss you.

Take care of yourselves, and be kind to one another.

Hygienic hugs and socially distanced high-fives to you all.

This is Hawk, signing off.

Over and out.




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