I feel them both pull me closer and I wrap my arms around their necks. They place soft kisses on my cheeks and necks while they hold me close. I just take a deep breath and close my eyes, enjoying the love I am receiving.

I know they hate when I am quiet and I understand why. They obviously know what happened and they know I am not ok. So unlike my mother they respect my decision.


Going home on a Friday night after my last shift is an amazing feeling. I've had a long day and though I didn't really plan on going home this late, I am still relieved that I am off for the next couple of weeks.

I am excited to spend some time with Maya and Stephanie. These last couple of weeks have been rough and I just need a break.

I haven't talked to my mother for two weeks. She hasn't called me and I certainly won't call her. Not this time.

It's almost ten pm as I pull into the garage. Maya and Stephanie are both home already. They both were at the restaurant tonight and I was really disappointed that I couldn't join them for dinner but my surgery took longer than expected.

I walk into the house and hear the tv playing in the living room. I instantly smile because I know Stephanie is probably latching onto Maya under a blanket. It's started snowing this week and she is not happy.

Maya on the other hand loves the snow. She literally ran outside and made snow angels without a jacket on.

"I need some love!" I yell towards the living room while opening the fridge to get myself some food.

"Well hello sexy mama" I hear Maya walking into the kitchen.

I smile turning around with a piece of cake ready to go into my mouth.

"No, no, no" she grabs it away from me. "Baby you know the rules" she says and puts it into her mouth. The rule is I have to eat healthy food before anything else.

Before she can chew though, I grab her face and stick my tongue into her mouth. She starts laughing, trying to push me away but I hold her in place till I get a small taste of the frosting.

I pull away and some of the cake falls out her mouth. "Baby!" she yells in laughter.

"Stop stealing my cake" I laugh and wipe my mouth. I smile and step closer to cup her face, giving her another kiss.

She puts her hands around my waist and I tease her with my tongue, tasting a bit more frosting on her lips. She starts laughing again and slightly pulls away. "There is nothing left" she mumbles against my lips.

"I have to make sure" I smile and pull her back for another slow deep kiss. She doesn't stop smiling but she still continues to kiss me.

"Hi honey" she whispers, leaving small pecks on my lips.

"Hi sweetheart, I missed you" I whisper back and pull her closer for a tight hug.

"I missed you too. Why are you so late?" she asks rubbing her hands over my ass while I hang around her neck. "And on your last day?"

"Complications with my patient. Sorry baby, I really wanted to come to the restaurant." I whisper kissing her cheek a few times.

"It's ok we just wanted to celebrate that you are finally on holiday." she smiles.

"I know, so did I. Where is Steph?"

"She fell asleep on the couch. We had a busy day with the arrangements for tomorrow night."

"Aahh our pour baby, why didn't you guys go to bed?" I frown, feeling slightly guilty now.

"No baby it's fine. She wanted to stay but after tomorrow night we can all relax." she smiles and gives me a soft kiss.

Normal to us (GxGxG)  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now