4 - Like A Little Puppy

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Beacon Hills High, from the stories I've heard, this building right in front of my eyes is a beacon of all sorts of disasters, starting from an epidemic of viral infectious disease made to kill werewolves all the way to the beginning of a war between the supernaturals and humans.

And I'm going to study at this school. Cool, right? Nothing bad can happen.

I sighed as the thought passed through my mind. My parents although loved dealing with supernaturals and solving mysteries. Well, not exactly loved, they just kinda always got dragged into it. I really hope that I don't get to deal with the things that my parents did.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped forward as I was startled by the voice near my right ear, covering my ear I turned to see Ryker standing there confused.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, you just startled me." I said as I instinctively touched my chest trying to calm my heart. I looked up at him, he was dressed in a black turtleneck sweater and black jeans. He stood taller than me and completely straight as if the accident didn't happen last night. "How are you?" I asked, realising I should since... you know.

"Completely healed." He smiled at me softly and I smiled back.

"Oh, is this the Stilinski girl?" The guy who just stepped beside Ryker said.

His hair was slick back neatly, his eyes were blue, the same as marble and his features were almost as if perfectly carved from stone. I don't know why but I felt like I had seen him somewhere before.

"Hi, I'm Abel." He smiled at me and as soon as he told me his name I realised where I had seen him.

"Abel Lahey? " I asked. "One of my friends back home is a huge fan of yours."

He smiled widely at me with excitement. "Aww... I'm flattered."

"I thought you lived in L.A." I said and he shrugged.

"I did but now I'm here." He smiled, giving me a vague answer.

"You have a meeting with Mr. Hewitt, don't you?" Ryker asked and I nodded. "Come on. I'll show you the way."

"No, you won't." Abel said, pulling him back from his arm. "I'll take her." He added and Ryker looked at him.

I don't know what happened but it seemed like they were talking through their eyes. From the looks of it, it was pretty evident that Abel was dominant over Ryker or so I think.

Ryker sighed as he pulled his arm out of his grip.

"I have to check in with the coach anyway." He said and turned to me. "I'll see you after school?" He asked and I nodded and he left.

Before leaving this morning Ryker had told Meemaw that he'll be taking me to Hale mansion after school. And I have to go because dad told me to see Derek Hale.

Honestly, I have heard a lot about Derek and how he's just a beta that holds the reins of all the wolves in the area surrounding Beacon Hills. He has to be a very scary dude to have control over werewolves like this.

"He reeks of it." Abel said, gaining my attention.

"What?" I asked and he gestured towards Ryker who was now at a pretty far distance from us.

"Nothing. Did something happen last night?" He asked.

"No!" I was quick to answer and he smiled as soon as I said.

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