5- Lacrosse Genes

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Coach Finstock. In case you guys forgot.


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As soon as the first period ended, I had to stop by the library since I hadn't gotten the time to collect my course' books from there. I gathered my stuff and went out the room as I looked around hoping to find a sign that could point me in the library's direction.

"Hey." I heard as I turned at Lisa's voice. "You have Chemistry next. Just walk down the hall and turn right, you'll find the room."

"Oh.. I was actually going to the library." I told her.

"Well, I was headed in the same direction. I have to return a book. I'll take you there." She smiled.

I smiled back as I started following her. There was silence for some time as I felt anxiety building up in me because I wanted to ask her if the whole class was watching me or was I being too self conscious.

"You wanna ask something?" She asked. I'm guessing she felt it or realized it from my expression.

"Umm.. I feel like the kids in class-"

".. were watching you?" She completed my sentence.

Okay, I'm convinced she's a psychic.

I nodded my head and she smiled. "They were watching you because you're Lydia Martin's daughter. Everyone's curious about her mysterious disappearance."


When my mom disappeared six months ago, there was this huge ruckus about it in the media since she's very well known due to her achievements as a medical scientist. There are a lot of conspiracy theories floating on YouTube too, some say it's alien abduction, others say the government is holding her captive because she might have found something against them and some are even saying that she was taken by some gang as revenge against my dad.

"Don't worry much about it though. If someone bothers you, just tell me I'll take care of them." She winked at me and I smiled as I nodded.


Finally, the third bell rang and I collected my things. This is my free period now. I can just go and chill in the library.

I was leaving the class when I heard the announcement bounce to my ears.

"Claudia Stilinski, please report to the principal's office." The female voice said as I stopped in my tracks and reviewed my day to check if I did something wrong. I guess not.

I left the class and started walking down the hallway

I haven't met the principal yet so maybe he wanted to welcome me, I guess. Grammy was the principal for quite some time but when she retired the post was given to..

I went to the principal's office and was met with a red headed woman. The plate in her table read, Laura Kelly.

"I'm Allison Stilinski." I said and she nodded.

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