1- The Beacon For Supernatural

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My whole body jerked forward as I was shaken awake. Thanks to the seat belt I was held in my place and didn't fly out the windscreen. 

A yelp left my throat as I was fully awoken now. "What's going on?" I turned to my dad who was sitting beside me holding the wheel. 

He didn't say anything just gestured forward with a nod. My eyes followed the direction and saw a black wolf sitting in the middle of the road. Its eyes glowed bright yellow as it looked at us. 

"Werewolf?" I asked him. 

"I think so." He said. 

"Does it want something from us?" 

"Honesty, I don't know." He shook his head in a slight nod. 

"You said Beacon Hills werewolves are friendly, right?" I asked. 

"Yes, all supernatural creatures are friendly in Beacon Hills. They all are a part of Scott's pack."

"So, should we go out?" I asked. 

He looked at the wolf and then at me. "It's better we stay in the car."

I  let out a sigh of relief. "That's what I was thinking." I said and he smiled at me. 

"We'll just drive around him." He said as he turned the steering and tried to move around it but the wolf walked in front of the car blocking our way. "Okay, he doesn't want us to go." 

"Try honking at him?" I suggested and he nodded as he honked but the wolf didn't move instead it just stayed there staring at us. 

"Okay, google, Call Derek Hale." He said as he checked the rear mirror and the side mirrors. 

"Calling Derek Hale." The Google assistant said. 

After a few rings he finally picked up the phone. 

"Hey, Derek, my main man, it's Stiles." He said and the person on the other side said something back. 

"I'm not your main man and I know it's you because I have your number." The voice sounded like it belonged to some grumpy sulking soul. 

He awkwardly smiled and said, "Well, of course you do. I just thought just in case if you don't I'll tell you it's me."

"What do you want, Stiles?" He sounded a bit… impatient or frustrated, I guess? 

"Well, there's a black wolf sitting in the middle of the road licking its paws, right before the entrance to Beacon Hills."

"Oh." He said as we heard a bit rustling and page turning. "That's Fallon. Are you alone right now?" He asked. 

"No, my daughter is with me." Dad said and there was a little pause on the other side. 

"I'll call Fallon off." There was a distant howling in the air and the wolf moved aside from the road giving us the way to drive by. 

"Oh." I see the glimmer of joy in his eyes as we start to drive straight ahead. 

"While you're in town, stop by my place and bring your daughter with you." The person on the phone. 

"I can't. I have to get back before my crunching working hours start but I can have Ali stop by." 

As soon as he said that, my awkward introverted self turned its dilated eyes to him. "No." I mouthed him. 

"Okay, then I'll be waiting for her and Ali, there's no need for you to be scared or worried. My pack will welcome you like our own." He said as hung up and I looked at the LED screen fitted in the car with my eyebrows raised while my dad rolled his eyes. 

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