"You have a place to live in? Great!" Jennie grabbed her hands and gave them a squeeze. "In that case, let's go home."


"Let's go home!" Jennie dragged the girl along, then halted. "Um, where do you live exactly?"

The girl sighed and was the one to lead Jennie this time. "What's your name even?"

"I'm Jennie." She left out her last name. "You?"

"Jisoo." She didn't mention her full name either. There was a mutual understanding for that to be enough.

On their way to Jisoo's apartment the brunette made Jisoo wait outside of an internet café while she had something to do in there. At this point Jisoo considered dashing away and leaving.

After all she hasn't agreed to the whole marriage thing and the brunette lowkey scared her. Her energy kind of made Jisoo suspicious. What if she just wants to kidnap her? Or trick her?

Then there is the voice in her head that tells her what if it's not a trick?

Jisoo is too good of a person to kick a young woman out and have her survive on her own.

Having heard her backstory, Jisoo knows Jennie wouldn't last a day. She is smart and brave but she has to keep a low profile and has no connections which wouldn't rat her out to her parents.

"Look what I got here." Jennie pressed a piece of paper against her chest.

Jisoo inspected it, she had to move closer to the café so the lights make the printings visible. "A marriage certificate!?" She yelped.

"Fill it out and we are officially married." Jennie gave her a pen.

Jisoo stared blankly at the paper and Jennie's expectant eyes.

"Do you really want this? I mean, don't you want to marry someone you love? Or not get married at all?"

"I told you. It's either someone I choose, or someone my parents choose for me. They will find me one day and as long as you don't sign our divorce papers, they can't marry me off to someone else. I believe at least."

Jisoo frowned. "Why me? Doesn't that mean I'll be in big trouble if your parents find us? Like they would hurt or kill me?"

"It's you because of the reasons I have stated before and also you are my type." Jennie said with a straight face even though it sounded like a joke. "To answer your second question, yes."

"Yes!?" Jisoo jumped up. "And you admit it?!"

"Of course. There should be no lies between a married couple." Jennie smiled, shrugging.

Jisoo felt conflicted on what to do. She had no obligation to help her and needs much more time with her to make such a decision. It just seems, time wasn't on their side.

It's as if they have to make a choice now or they will never see each other again. Jennie will walk away and ask another stranger to marry her. Someone who might be a sketchy person and take advantage of her. Or she gets caught by her parents and will be put back into her cage. Does she let Jennie slip away or does she take her hand?

"So? Are you going to sign it?" Jennie pointed to the paper.

"I don't think--"

"Miss Kim!"

Jennie flinched while Jisoo whipped her head to the deep voice that was calling for her. A man with light hair and a suit dashed towards them. His face was full of sweat and he was panting for air. The brunette seemed to recognise him but in a bad way. She tugged on Jisoo's jacket and faced him with a frown.

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