"Oh... uhm. I used to do it when I was younger." The younger replied awkwardly scratching bis neck with a smile.

"Never imagined you could throw a whole person damn." Changbin then laughed and held the back of his head that was still hurting slightly.

"Yeah whatever, are you sure y'all not hurt? Felix looked weird." Seungmin quickly changed the subject and pointed to the stairs where the freckled boy had disappeared.

"Uhm..." Changbin thought about comming up with something like 'I don't know' but in the end he didn't see the need in lying.

"I think it's because we accidently kissed just now." he shrugged and gave Seungmin an unknowing gaze.
The other could only look at him with narrowed eyes.

"I always knew you were a pervert!" He suddenly yelled and punshed the guys shoulder.

"Wow wait! It wasn't me! He crashed into me!" Changbin tried to defend himself and held his hands up to prevent any more hits but Seungmin wasn't having it. Two people falling on top of each other and accidently kissing only happened in some cheap dramas. There was no way this could have been an accident.

"Do you know how innocent Felix is?! He never even kissed someone before!" Seungmin kept yelling at the other who started feeling as if he actually did something wrong.

"But it wasn't my fault! What am I supposed to do?" He asked wanting to get out of that situation as fast as possible.
Changbin hated being responsible for someone elses negative feelings and if Minho would find out about this he'd end up like Hyunjin when the devil once stuffed his mouth with tissues.

"Go apologize!" Seungmin demanded.


"No not now. Felix is probably having a mental crisis right now. Wait until he's back to normal and I swear if you make him cry I'll kill you." Seungmin threatened his eyes piercing holes in Changbins.

'How is this kid so intimidating?!' the older nervously gulped but didn't break eye contact.

"Alright... calm down. It's not like Felix will be traumatized or something." Changbin tried to calm the situation a bit by putting his hand on the other's shoulder.

"You better make sure that doesn't happen. Now lets finish the work." Seungmin turned his back on the other noticing a few of the workers staring at them but quickly looking away.

'I'm so stupid.' The boy wanted to face palm himself. Only one second he had lost focus and almost ended up suspicious if he wasn't already... he had to be more careful so that things like this wouldn't happen again. In the end someone could get seriously hurt.


While everyone else was inside, Jisung had decided to go out to the rose garden alone. On the plan Minho had shown all of them there had been instructions what to do so he had his work. However, he didn't want to associate with people at the moment. Especially Hyunjin who the boy wanted to avoid at all costs.

Carefully he placed some costume pieces on the statues of famous people of history. The stone felt cold under his fingers as the slight wind brushed his hair out of his face. Today it wasn't cloudy at all but somehow the sunlight felt cold and grey... not the beautiful warm yellow tones that he had seen the first day he arrived here.
Everything was wrapped in a depressing cold and Jisung could see his breath forming small clouds in the air.
He didn't feel cold but his fingers were freezing to death as always so it got more difficult to move them.

Jisung barely managed to carry a small ladder to one of the statues that was especially large. He remembered seeing the woman it portrayed before in some history book but he didn't remember her name.

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