chapter [29]

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Since that day Jisung hadn't told anyone about his relationship with Jeongin, not even Dahyun.
But a greater problem quickly took all his attention when he was ordered in Lady Lee's office the next day.
That woman didn't even make up a lie but went straight to the point when glaring down at Jisung.

"Appolline had informed me quiet some while ago that you and my son have some kind of special relationship so I sent someone to overhear your calls with him." she grinned dangerously and Jisung gulped. No wrong move.... no wrong words.

"I'll only say this one time but I wish for you to keep your relationship on a  business base only. I can't change your job here because that's Minho's decision to make but if I ever hear about you crossing your boundaries I'll fire both you and your aunt, understood?"

Jisung forgot to breath for a second but immediately bowed down deeply.

"Yes ma'am." he stated being out of options. How would he do that? Staying away from Minho was impossible even if he tried. What if Minho approached him first? But he couldn't risk his aunts job!!

"That includes no texting, calling if not for business reasons, no being close to each other, no talking disrespectful which means you'll call him young master like everyone else and most importantly... don't hinder him from going through with this marriage." her voice was sweet like honey but at the same time colder than anything Jisung had ever heard.
He never hindered Minho from marrying even if he knew that Minho didn't want it...

"Yes, ma'am!"


After that Jisung had been constantly surrounded by a bodyguard that trained him and put him into neater clothes while at the same time making sure he didn't cross his boundaries. Jisung felt uncomfortable around him... it was like he had no soul, always speaking monotonously and never showing any reaction or emotion.
Secretly, without him noticing Jisung had managed to tell Felix what his mother had ordered him to do so the others knew too. But just as everyone else Felix couldn't do anything about it but only sighed and told Jisung that Lady Lee must be afraid Minho developed feelings for him and that wouldn't end well for the marriage.

After that these words kept circling in Jisungs head. Feelings for him? Minho might have feelings for him? No, Lady Lee had to be overworried...
Surely the older had been a lot nicer to Jisung and-
His face flushed bright red when remembering what Minho did to him on his sofa before he left.
'No, he was only messing with me... thats the kind of person he is...' he tried telling himself and shook the thought of.


And now, on this beautiful sunny day when all the cherry blossoms started blooming they were facing each other.

"Tell me right now why you're behaving like this. I won't give you a second damn chance!" Minho whispered to him with sadly sparkling eyes while they were still in the airport.
Jisung kept eye contact but instead of answering his eyes moved to the side, looking at the bodyguard for a second.

Minho had to understand... he couldn't tell him here, it was too dangerous.

Minho followed his gaze slowly and seemed to have finally spotted the man but there was no sign of him understanding!
The younger really had to keep it together to not drop his act but he couldn't risk anything when the body guard was here. That man would tell anything he said to Lady Lee...

If Jisung did only move one wrong muscle now, both him and his aunt would lose their job!

"Alright, we'll go." Minho suddenly stated and completely flipped his emotions just now before he started walking and told Jisung and the man to get his suitcases.
10 minutes later they sat in the car in an awkward and tensed silence, Jisung and Minho in the back and the bodyguard in the front however he'd glance in the mirror every once a while.

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