chapter [33]

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After their kiss yesterday Jisung and Minho had spent the rest of the evening cuddling in secret and watching some anime.
The atmosphere had been calm and nice even if that pressing feeling in Jisung's chest wouldn't go away.

The fact that he was told the next morning that Hyunjin hadn't been found yet didn't make things better. The police was now searching for him...

Just as planned if that would be the case Jisung took the bus to Chan's apartment at noon after he finished his chores, helping Dahyun preparing lunch and asking Minho to let him go meet Chan even if he was supposed to work at the moment. Gladly, the older agreed with no hesitation. Minho was also worried about Hyunjin so he would not stop anyone from searching for their friend.

At the moment Jisung was walking up the stairs to the 3rd floor to ring the bell on Chan's apartment. It was quiet large for one person but he couldn't get lost in it like in the Lee Mansion.
After 3 minutes, still no one had opened the door so Jisung got curious. Was Chan maybe taking a shower or wearing headphones? Or the bell might be broken...

Jisung decided it would be fine to just go in since he often had done that in the past when he visited Chan. The older did give him his door code after all.
Quickly he typed it in and got inside the apartment.

"Chan?" He loudly asked but there was no answer. Yet it didn't look like Chan was gone because the coat and boots he usually had on were neatly placed next to the entrance.
Jisung proceeded to check in all rooms but there was no sign of him anywhere.
That was until Jisung took a closer look at the kitchen and realized something odd. A glass of something that smelled like pineapple juice was scattered over the floor.

"He didn't clean it up...?" Jisung wondered when thinking about any possible reason for Chan to leave a spilled over drink on the floor like this.
Carefully, he made sure not to step on the glass shards when something else suddenly caught his eyes.
It was something on the inner door knob of the entrance door that Jisung could see from where he stood.
He hadn't noticed it before but there were red spots on it... like someone had grabbed the door knob with a bloodied hand.

Jisung sank on his knees as the worst scenarios possible went through his head.

First Hyunjin and now Chan, someone had kidnapped them, someone had forcefully taken them and hurt them. Where they even still alive?!

"Everyone that has ever been good to me ends up hurt... they're all in danger, I- I" Jisung talked to himself trying to calm down when he suddenly imagined a scene in his head that send chills down his spine.

What if... the kidnapper was him.

{The following content might be disturbing to some readers}

"Jisung, honey? Can you go open the door. It is probably the man we called to fix our heating system. He said he'd come around this time." Jisung's adoptive mom shouted from the kitchen where she was preparing freshly baked curry bread.

"Sure mom!" Jisung answered and went to the door to open it. To him she had been 'mom' all the time...

When Jisung opened up and greated him the rather young man he smiled dearly at him and streched out his hand to shake Jisungs.
The younger didn't want to be impolite so he just shook it. It felt a little odd when the man started staring at the faint scars on Jisung's wrist a little too long to be an accident.

"Uhm, I'll show you the problem with the heating sytem upstairs." Jisung quickly pulled his hand away and signed the man to come inside awkwardly.

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