chapter [21]

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Jisung woke up the next day expecting that he'd probably spend his whole day in bed, taking painkillers and avoiding to think about last night.
It was already 10 am when he woke up after Dahyun had brought him a cup of coffee and some breakfast.
The scenery outside was covered in white snow that kept falling since yesterday evening and the grey clouds covered the sky.
It made Jisung feel somehow comfortable, sitting inside on his warm bed, still in his pajamas while drinking a hot cup of coffee.

But all of that quickly changed when out of nowhere Minho suddenly was in his room.

"Jisung, did you mean what you said yesterday? Do you forgive me?!" he almost yelled while catching his breath.

Jisung looked at him questioning but quickly nodded. He had not been angry at Minho in the first place for what he did. But having heard an apology yesterday was exactly what Jisung needed.

"Nice, nice. You know, I called that Bang Chan guy an hour ago and he said that you need someone to practice your speaking with and I need someone who helps me picking out an outfit for the dinner with my father... I know you are free from work right now but if you don't mind?" His eyes were full of expectation and Jisung needed a second to understand what was happening.
Of course he should be practicing his voice but he kind of doubted that Minho was the right person to do this with for various reasons...
On the contrary he didn't have anything better to do at the moment and he should probably use an opportunity in which Minho was somehow nice to him, shouldn't he?

In the end he rolled his eyes and gave the older a small smile that he mirrored.

"That's great. However, I think you should get changed first. Need my help?" He bluntlessly asked eyeing Jisung up and and the younger also looked at himself.
'It takes ages doing this alone...' he thought. But he didn't want Minho to see him half naked!

The older seemed to have noticed his discomfort and offered something.

"I'll close my eyes, I promise." he sighed and stepped closer to Jisung.

"It's not like there is anything you need to hide though. I won't pull any tricks on an injured person..."
he explained but Jisung didn't really believe him and raised an eyebrow.

"Trust me." Minho assured him again with a sincere look in his chocolate brown eyes and Jisung finally agreed with a sigh. He did need help after all.

With his eyes closed Minho helped Jisung pulling his shirt over his head as careful as he could so Jisung wouldn't feel any pain. The temptation to look at him was high but Minho could restrain himself, fortunately.

Quickly, Jisung handed the older the new shirt that he quickly pulled over his head and arms, and down the rest of his upper body.

"That wasn't that terrible, was it?" Minho joked and could literally feel the annoyed glare on Jisung's face.

Next thing he did was placing his hands on Jisungs waist and letting them slide down to the rim of his pyjama pants but when he felt Jisung tensing he stopped for a second.

"You're pretty sensitive, aren't you? Just hit me or something if you feel uncomfortable." he stated not wanting to make Jisung feel bad.
Although, a small thought in the back of his head gave him some kind of satisfaction that he caused that reaction from Jisung.

After finishing to dress up Minho helped Jisung in his wheelchair and proceeded to push him through the hallways and into the elevator that was rarely used by anyone.

"You see, squirrel, this dinner is very special since my dad and his business collegues are gonna discuss their strategies and future teamwork. I'll inherit a big part of my dad's company in half a year so I need to leave a good impression and listen closely to the conversation. If I make a mistake, the business might suffer from that." Minho's voice filled the silence as he told the younger about the importance of the upcoming dinner. He made the choice of the outfit a bigger deal than it really was, though... it was all for the purpose of getting to know Jisung better and finding out what it was that Minho seemed to like about him.
Thinking about it more intensively Minho must have liked Jisung in some way from the beginning because usually he'd done way worse things to his personal assistants.

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