chapter [38]

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It was not long after when Jisung was gently pulled out of the cab that Minho, Felix and him had been taking to the Lee Mansion.

Jisung insisted on Minho staying in the hospital a while longer to recover but the older was driven by an unstoppable determination when he quickly marched along the pathway that led to the entrance of the large house. Felix and Jisung were right behind him although the latter did not feel like it was right to step on this ground again. He had bene fired here and Minho's parents had undeniable power that their sons couldn't overcome so easily.

"Minho, are you really sure about this?" Jisung again asked but the older wasn't held back by that.

"I won't give you up for whatever reason Jisung and if my parents can't accept that I'll do everything in my power to make them. They can't kick me out and leave me on the streets anyway because it'd give them a disastrous reputation." He explained and went up the stairs to the entrance door. The sky was grey and cloudy and the atmosphere dark and a little scary. So Minho really wanted to pull through it this time? Somehow Jisung felt his body getting warm and fuzzy at the thought of the older not giving up on him.

"I'll support you guys. I have to tell them about Changbin anyways." Felix added with the same determination as if going to war.

But just as Minho typed in the door code, it swung open by itself revealing Lady Kang and her daughter Apolline. Her face was infuriated just as her gleaming eyes. Her mother had tears in her eyes and glared angrily when she saw Minho looking at them in confusion.

"Get out of my way you fucking son of a bitch. You are the worst piece of shit that I've ever had to look at." Apolline spat totally different from ever before. Jisung had never heard her swear like that nor did she ever lose her posture like that before when she shoved Minho away.
They walked in direction of another car that was parked near them totally ignoring the three. For a short second Apolline glanced at Jisung but he could not interpret it as anything.

"They're leaving...?" Felix stated when slowly averting his gaze from these people with wide eyes.

"Don't get your hopes up yet, Felix. But if these bitches are mad it's good enough already." Minho grinned slightly and finally proceeded to lead the others through the door.

Jisung was utterly confused when they instantly encounered people in the entrance hall. Judging the scary atmosphere there had probably been a fight going down between the Kangs and Lee's... and Yangs?

At first Jisung only saw Lady and Master Lee but he quickly realized right his mother was standing right next to them. Next to Master Lee there was another man but Jisung didn't have to look twice to recognize him as Seungmin's father. The similarity was insane.

For a moment Jisung and his mother held eye contact before she started weakly smiling at him. What was going on here? Her kindness felt out of place.

"What's going on here...?" Minho observed everything being just as confused as the other two while instinctively hiding Jisung behind him.

"My sons, I don't know why you came here but the occasion fits quiet well." Master Lee's confident voice sounded through the room.
At that comment Lady Lee sighed and held her head.

"The CEO of the Yang Company, Lady Yang had previously informed me of rumors of illegal shipping and producing of medical drugs within the Kang hospital chain. After I let Mr. Kim look into it we could find evidence enough to inform the responsible authorities..." Master Lee explained to them seeming to be deeply ashamed of having worked together with the Kangs.

But Minho didn't care much about that but more about what his father still had to say.

"So the marriage is cancelled?" He questioned having his eyes on his mother rather than his father.
The woman narrowed her eyes at him for a second but finally gave up. She had lost this game and she had to accept it.

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