chapter [34]

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Yesterday had been the first time in his life that Minho had needed to comfort someone... but he had really wanted to comfort Jisung because every tear he shed more than he already did made the older feel responsible and he did want him to smile.

Today the sky was filled with clouds and fog had made its way through the whole city.
Master Lee arrived early in the morning but the greeting went cold. Neither Minho nor Jisung could force themselves to smile and it impacted the whole vibe.

It wasn't just Jisung being so sad and their friends disappearing that bothered Minho but also his father that was now back to plan the marriage... and as soon as that was done there was no going back for Minho. He'd need to marry Appoline... but he could never do that.

"Jisung?" Minho sat on his sofa and called Jisung over to him when the younger entered to get lunch for both of them. Usually he'd watch Minho eat but the older didn't feel like that was right so they decided to eat together.

"Hi." Jisung greeted him sounding calm but the circles under his eyes spoke louder.

"Hey, Minho." The older noticed that Felix had also come along behind the other as they both closed the door and seated themselves on both sides next to Minho.

The room was filled with silence for at least 5 minutes and the more time passed, the more depressing it felt.
Minho didn't like it... he hated it.

"I'll fix everything." He then stated into the silence.

"I'll make sure Hyunjin and Chan get back safely and I'll not tolerate marrying Apolline and not being together with Jisung." Minho added and took a deep breath to strengthen his posture. It was exactly what he planned though... even if it turned out to be hard he wouldn't give up so easily, he had never done that.

"Yeah right, we can do this." Felix joined him trying his best to stay as optimistic as possible so Jisung wouldn't feel as sad anymore.

"With all the news about Hyunjin and now Chan on the internet it surely won't take much time until they are discovered. I'm sure they'll be fine." he added and glanced at Minho who took Jisung's hand.

"Is there something on your mind?" Minho softly asked.

"I had the feeling since yesterday that something about this is hitting you more than us ... so ... just know I'm here to listen." he thought intensively before speaking that out loud to not make any mistakes but apparently everything was fine with what he said. Jisung even smiled at him and Felix weakly.

"It's just... I know it sounds stupid but what if Hyunjin's and Chan's case are connected? I'm... damn this sounds hilarious..." the younger had problems saying his thoughts freely because there was nothing to justify them so people would say he shouldn't worry.

"What is it?" Minho repeated and Felix and him both moved closer.

"Th- the man who killed my adoptive family. When I think about Chan and Hyunjin h- his face always comes to my mind." Jisung didn't breath while saying this and started feeling dizzy. He really didn't want to imagine it and it did not make any sense and yet he couldn't let go of the thought.

"Jisung." Minho now spoke confidently when they made eye contact.

"That man sits in a high security jail in Busan as far as I know. There is no way he can escape... it is simply not possible." He stated and did not lose any of his seriousness. There really was no way someone could escape from that jail but Jisung didn't seem any calmer but only tensed up more.

"You know what? I'll call Seungmin right now. His parents work for the police so he should have enough information." Minho then came up with that idea. Felix and Jisung might not know that Seungmin actually worked for the Mafia but that was irrelevant.

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