Chapter 15 - Trial Time

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"First up is Remus John Lupin-Black.
Gender: male.
Age: thirty-nine years old.
Height: six foot two.
Weight: 169 lbs (76 kilo's).
Species: Werewolf.
Spouse: Sirius Black who is also under arrest at this time."

Remus was brought to a seat in the centre of the room and placed in the chair before being strapped down. The room was stacked with people, all quiet as they watching him with judgmental eyes. Remus kisses his teeth, looking down for a minute. He felt ashamed that he let Sirius convince him into bringing Arianeta around; to let that woman take you away from him.

His baby girl.

The daughter HE raised.

Not Sirius.

Not Arianeta.

"Remus you are here today at the request of I - the Minister of Magic. You are under suspicion of conspiracy again the Ministry," Cornelius Fudge began, his voice booming over the people.

Remus couldn't believe this wanker was still in office. Many witches and wizards wanted him out but he is the Minister, he could do what he pleases which meant silencing many people in... not so professional ways.

"Yes sir, but you must understand this is not so!" Remus denied, trying to scoot closer. Cornelius raised his nose to your father as if he were the gum on his shoe. And that's when Remus remembered he was a werewolf and he stood no chance in this court.

"How so, Mr Black?" One of the Jury asked from way at the back. Remus gave a kind and thankful smile. He turned back to Cornelius then looked around the enlarged room. Hermione sat in a chair nearby, tearful eyes and jiggling knees as she watched on.

"My daughter suffered a terrible loss at the battle-"

"We all did, Remus!" A man with a thick French accent growled from the stands, "That is no excuse."

"Please! Let the man finish," another Aura snapped at him. The man settled back into place but glared at the person who dares speak out against him. "Go on, Mr Black."

"She has been raised in a home where it was only me, that of her cousin Nymphadora Tonks. Other than us two, Y/N spent all her time indoors," he called out to the people, his voice bouncing off the slick onyx black walls. "When she first attended Hogwarts a school of witchcraft and wizardry, she struggled to make friends due to her fathers past except for Fredrick Weasley. Fred Weasley was kind to her off the get-go and she watched him die... Y/N was traumatised to the point she no longer wanted to live."

"So you are agreeing with the press that your 'daughter' is mentally unstable? That she was a danger to the world around us?" Fudge sneered, pushing his glasses the rest of the way up to his noses. He cranes his neck down slightly to read whatever sleaze was jotted down for him.

"Oh come on! The people love her! We all know that you control the press," Remus snapped, rolling his eyes and huffing out in dry humour. "My daughter was only a danger to herself."

"Yet she attacked your husband's ex-lover?" The French man asked from the stands. His twig-like arms crossed over his small chest. Remus has to hold back a growl as he looked over the people again.

"Arianeta Wright is not Sirius Black's ex-lover!" Remus snapped at the ignorant man. "Sirius and I asked Arian if she would be the surrogate and she said yes. She promised Sirius she would stick around to make sure Y/N felt loved but as soon as Sirius was convicted she fled the country because she HATED Y/N."

"That isn't the point, Remus," an African man called from up in the stands. That's when he realised that all of the world leaders were attending. His eyes find that of the American Minister who only watched with interest. "Your daughter hurt Mrs Wright."

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