Chapter 11 - The Starting

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You stood in the middle of a dark room. As you looked around, you were confused. You had never been in this broken down-home. Photo frames were knocked over, leaving glass shards on the burnt floor. You squint your eyes in hopes of finding something to tell you where you were. Carefully, you creep forward. The floorboards creaked under your weight. You take a deep breath and take fast steps to the cabinet off to the side. A shiver ran up your spine, having you looking around. Nothing was there - only the sound of the trees and the crickets just outside. The cabinet was old and one side was blacked out from where you assumed the fire caught to it. Your hand reaches out, picking up one of the few frames left in the home. The moving image was one that made you jealous - a happy family photo. They looked so at peace, three kids and two parents. One of the kids was around eleven, another was maybe eight and the next one was only a toddler - still holding onto his mummy. The sound of creaking had you looking around, but once again there was no one there. You hiss as the skin on your thumb is torn open by the glass of the frame. The frame drops to the ground by accident, you suckling on your thumb. Sighing, you bend back down and pick up the frame. as you stand back to your full height you narrow your eyes at the photo.

"Where did the swing go?" you shake it off, you were probably imagining. Footsteps run by you, making your eyes begin to conjure tears of fear. The house whined to you, telling you to leave. Looking back to the cabinet, you place the frame upright in its original place. Your breath catches in your throat as heavy feet stopped right behind you. Its aura was telling you to turn around and meet its gaze. Your heart thumped in your ears like drums, creating a tune that no man wanted to play with. Slowly, you turn but your movement was to slow for the creature as it grabs a tight hold on your wrist. You scream as its charcoal hand burns your flesh.

The once empty room now engulfed by flames of hatred. Whoever cast the spell to burn this family home was seeking an act of horrific revenge. You manage to rip yourself free from the hold of the creature - is revealed to be the father to this young family. Without thinking, you run for the front door. A wave of flames stopped you, burning your hand once you touched the metal handle. Your pained mind had you running up the stairs. You could hear screaming. Children.

"Hello!? Mumma!" a voice cried out. You knew you couldn't leave the kid for herself. You go to her door and start beating in it. The child was crying on the other side, "I can't breathe! Help me please."

"I'm trying!" you promise the kid. He just continued to scream. Before you could charge at the door once more, something from the inside had the door exploding off its hinges. You use your arm to try protects your eyes. You look inside seeing two kids beds. Both kids were crumpled up on the floor. Now unable to do anything you run for the master bedroom. You kick the door down, the woman was passed out on the floor with a baby tucked under her arms. "Ma'am? Ma'am get up!"

You push her onto her back and start CPR, worriedly looking between her and the face coming flames. Your throat burnt from creaming at the floor beneath you crackled and sumped in a warning. You couldn't move face enough though, the floor collapsed beneath you and sent you plummeting into darkness.

Your body thrashed around in the sheets of your bed, screaming - from pain and fear. The sound shook Charlie's whole being as he rushed to his feet from his spot on the couch. He was lucky there was a silencing charm on the door or else someone would have thought you were being murdered. Your body shook and shivered, unable to stop screaming for what you had just dreamt was too gruesome for the average person.

"Y/N!?" Charlie cried out, trying to get a hold of your hands. He managed to pin them to your sides. His orange hair was a knotty mess, and his eyes pained from your screaming. "Y/N!" You sit up fast enough you almost butt heads with your friend. Your distraught eyes filter through the slightly rocking room. You could still hear the crackling of the fire around you, that smell of burning flesh stung your nose hairs. "Hey- hey hey it's okay!"

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