Chapter 12 - Dragon Places

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You stood stiff as a board, looking up at the entrance of the dragon sanctuary. Charlie, Cyrus and Ambrose stood by your sides, snickering at your ajar mouth. The place was lined with an endless concrete wall. The opening reminded you of the Jurassic World entry. A big sign hung overhead that said "Welcome: Warning Deadly Dragons and Heavy Workers". You laughed at the last bit, your eyes instantly looking to Charlie and Ambrose.

Charlie, a tall man with luscious red locks. His jaw muscled just like his biceps and legs. He was indeed a heavy worker. Ambrose's long hair was in a tight man bun, a few pieces framing the sides of his head. He had on a slight scowl, a look he used to intimidate his co-workers.

Cyrus was leaner when it came to muscle. His features were a lot kinder, much like the images you had seen of Newt Scamander. Very handsome men they were. Cyrus, his brothers and sister were gifted, this being his grandmother's family also produced very good look witches and wizards.

The huge doors thundered open and your mouth was opened with complete wonder. Ambrose rested a hand between your shoulder blades and led you inside the endless walls. Many buildings filled the area but passed those, you could see an odd flame burst into the sky. It was a cozy little place with cabins (something that probably isn't smart for a dragon sanctuary) that each had neatly decorated gardens and dreamy porches. But there was an awful lot of noise coming from within.


You head swivels around at the woman's voice, smiling as she sprints at Charles. Her smooth tan arms wrapped themselves around his neck, her legs going around his waist. Charlie barely grunted as he hugged the woman back, swaying side to side. You smile slightly at the sight. Charlie had a big smile scratched into his freckled face. The woman seemed so content as well, cuddling in as much as possible.

Soon though, Charlie was placing her on the floor. Her shoes gracefully planted on the floor. Her look of elegance but lean muscles told you she was nibble and a hard worker. She moved onto the others, hugging them but not as passionately as she had done with Weasley.

Finally, her honey due gaze skipped to you and her features lit up. She was gorgeous. She reminded you of Hermione - a girl who made you somewhat jealous of how beautiful she was and how intelligent she looked. The woman was one that all men caught for. But she was inviting and she never once stopped smiling.

"Uh Y/N, this is Amanaki. She's from Australia but she's Tongan," Charlie introduced. Her thick, curly hair was pulled back in an impressive bun. She had a small scar under her eyebrow but nothing as bad as Charlie's arm. Her skin looked smooth as silk nets.

"Hi," she puts out her hand and flashed you an even bigger smile. Her teeth were a blinding white. "You're Y/N Black, Right? Wow-what an honour."

"Uhh, I guess," you chuckled subconsciously, taking her hand. They were slightly rough but it was to be expected of someone who works with such deadly creatures. "It's nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine," her accent thick and hard to understand at first. "Come on, let's get you guys moved back in!"

Her excitement was impossible to miss, her hand reaching out and taking your trunk from you. Her hair bounced playfully as you followed behind her. The small village was full of life compared to Grimmauld Drive. Yes, it was chillier here (it being early summer) but it was much more enjoyable. Small children even raced around the roads, swiftly avoiding the witches and wizards around. Ambrose stuck close to your side. His wand in a tight grip and eyes on alert. For an outsider, the tall brooding man would look like your own personal bodyguard. Your hair was like a birds nest - messy like that of Bellatrix Lestrange - and heavy bags sunk into your eyes.

Miss You - From The AfterlifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora