Chapter 9 - Mother not Mum

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"What in the-" a scowl kinked your lip as you stared at her. She walked around the couch and continued straight to you. She was a tall woman compared to you. She had green eyes and blonde hair that was curled. Her skin was coated with a fake tan along with expensive clothes and jewellery. As she hugs you, you glare over her shoulder at Remus and Sirius. Both of them chewed on their nails, unable to meet your burning gaze. Questions swarmed your already full thoughts, all fighting to get out of your mouth.

"You're so pretty!" Her voice going high pitched as she steps back, pinching your cheeks. Her nails supported long claw-like acrylics that made you want to gag. "Who knew you could make such nice offspring, Sirius."

Sirius jiggled his knee nervously, looking into her green, cruel eyes. Remus narrowed his eyes at her as she winked to his husband. Sirius was far from interested in her but she didn't get the point very clearly.

"What are you doing here?" You ask. The woman pats your cheek, scrunching her nose as of looking at a cute puppy before going back to her seat. She looked Malicious as she was seated. The way her hands gripped the armrest, her nail digging into the soft fabric, her leg crossed on top of the other and the dark twist in her eyes and deadly heels on her feet.

"Come take a seat- you too dear!" She hummed to you and Charlie. The redhead stuck close to you as you moved over. He could sense you uncomfortable state, worrisome and alert for you to be safe. Your eyes twitching as you stare into her eyes. "Wow, you are just handsome!"

"Uh- Thank you?" Charlie hesitating, sitting with a straight back and staring at the men behind her. They simply kept an eye on the woman beside, they tracked her every movement.

"What are you up to?" You growled at the woman. Her eyes snap to look at you, a strain in her smile. Those long (fake) lashes brushed her skin as she gazed to your hand.

"You move on quick," she counters at the dazzling ring on your finger. You and Charlie look to the item, you fiddling with it. "Just like your mummy."

"We aren't together, Mother," you deny, clenching your jaw at the insufferable woman. Like Ambrose, your mother was one for mind games. She was manipulative, cunning and evil. But ambitious. She only gained this personality after school of course. "Why are you here?"

"I heard of what you've been through dear. I was purely worried for my baby girl," she informed you. Your face fell as you listened to her talk. "So I'm staying for a week."

"No- no no," you persist to her, waving a finger in the air as you stood. She stared up at your disturbed self. Your hair a bundle on your head, skin pale like paper and limbs thin. "You don't just get to come back in here like you care. You left - that's on you."

"Baby," she whispered condescendingly. She followed suit, standing as well. Her slender hand reached out. You snatch your hand away before she could take a hold of it. The woman's fake smile faltered for a moment but it came to her in seconds. "You know mummy loves you. I always have - I left because I couldn't handle it."

"Handle what!? The kid you only had to see once a week?" You scoff. Charlie's eyes widened in disbelief. He knew you had a rough relationship with your mother but he thought it might have just been the hormones. "As soon as my father was thrown into Azkaban you knew he wouldn't force you to have a relationship! So you ran off to join the fucking circus!"

That circus being the company of a very rich and wealthy muggle man. The richer she married with the muggles, the better known she was in the wizarding world.

"Now that's not true, Y/N. I loved you the moment you were born," she rolled her emerald gaze. Those demonic eyes held nothing but darkness. Her soul bone existent. "I'm here to help you through losing your little - crush."

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