Chapter 13 Having A Ball

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" All right everyone tonight's the night of the Ball we need to make sure all the decorations are ready!" Charlie shouts to the hotel staff.
        " I got booze ready," Husker clanks fresh beers and other alcoholic beverages together as he places them on the bar counter.
   " Very good Al we need a sound check......" The princess smiles softly to the Radio wendigo.
    " You are talking to the finest radio host in all of hell my dear I will have no problems." Alastor chuckles lightly.
" Wonderful  now Angel I want you to make sure everything is snazzy for our guests."
      " Done and done princess I got this toots." Angel snaps his fingers and clicks his tongue.
          " Alrighty Niffty can you please make sure tables and everything sparkles I wanna see those floors and tables sparkles." The hellish princess instructs the one eyed maid.
      " yes ma'am getting on it now!" Niffty smiles as she zips around everything shining as she does.
     " Vix can you make sure the donation bin is ready?"
    " Sure thing I am happy to assist." The fox demon smiles as she sets everything out.
     It would be few hours before the ball would take place so the staff would have plenty of time to practice. Everyone works quickly and efficiently. Music plays and rehearsal happens.
"Vaggie can you help me prepare my speech?" Charlie looks to her girlfriend.
  " Yeah babe please don't sing this time." Vaggie had recalled what had happened at last year's crazy attempt for the hotel's publicity at 666 news it had been a disaster she shutters.
     " Rrrrrright not doing that again heh-" the princess wipes sweat from her brow blushing.
Several hours later,the ball begins the ball room is filled up quickly with some of hells most powerful demons. Vaggie hands Alastor's microphone over to her girlfriend. The music begins to play and the princess readies her speech.
           " As you are all well aware we lost more souls a few weeks ago. I have called hell's most powerful and elite demons that believe in our cause to help with spreading awareness of such tragic times. Now that we have finally made progress in our project more demons  are coming to the hotel rehabilitation. Our program is growing quite quickly and so I urge you all to make a donation after our grand Ball. Please enjoy refreshments and snacks provided by the hotel as well.
No need to worry about me singing this time after the last disaster last year I have grown to realize the severity of our population crisis.
Now without further adue let the hazbin hotel Ball begin." Charlie gives her speech and holds the microphone to her lips.
    The crowd claps and the Ball begins the princess walks off the stage.
" You did great babe" Vaggie smiles kissing her girlfriend's cheek.
       " Thanks Vaggie." Charlie smiles proudly.
        The guests take turns dancing and chat amongst themselves. Donations pour in as more demons start seeing the princess's cause is not a joke after all. Angel and Alastor dance together and the crowd cheers in amazement. The ball goes well just as planned and Charlie smiles . The hotel would soon be able to spread the word of their plan to save more sinners and more rooms fill up. Husk gives out booze and drinks as well. Everyone is dressed up in their best attire the ball room smelling of perfume and cigars.
Just then The doors slam open and an uninvited guest enters.

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