Chapter 10 Extermination

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        The extermination had taken place once again demons all over hell look for lost loved ones..........
      Charlie tries her hardest to encourage others to join her cause. Vix whilst still recovering from her near fatal accident helps her new friends.Making  pamphlets to hand out. The vixen smiles as she draws for each flyer.
    Come one come all to the hazbin hotel's charity drive all sinners welcome..... Is printed neatly on each peice of paper.
          " Thanks Vix it means a lot that someone believes in our cause......" Charlie smiles at the fox demon placing a hand one one of her friend's shoulders.
        " I- It's no trouble at all really it's the least I could do since I basically owe you all my life......" Vixi blushes slightly and grins.
      " Good morning Darlings..." Alastor smiles as he enters the room as if getting ready for an on stage performance.
      He stands there not in his usual attire but in a flannel night shirt and matching bottoms. Although he was bare footed he didn't seem to mind. The girls give him a shocked look as they notice he has hooves instead of normal human feet. Well he was a Wendigo after all. He rolls his eyes and smiles.
     " Good morning al." The princess shakes her head and smiles back.
       Alastor yawns and grabs a cup of coffee Angel still asleep in the bed. Since the hotel staff had found out about their secret the couple had been relocated. A bigger room with a king sized bed plenty of room for their escapades. Many nights of brisk passion followed suit as the couple grew more and more romanticly involved.
   " And how are we all this morning?" The radio demon sips his morning cup of joe.
     " Oh I am well dispite are cause still struggling." Charlie heaves a long drawn out sigh and looks at Vaggie with a sad smile.
  " It will be ok don't lose hope just yet." Vaggie rubs her girlfriend's cheek with the palm of her hand before kissing it.
          " Smile my dear it is a new day a new year for us all." Alastor exclaims nearly spilling his coffee in the process as he flings his hands in the air.
      " We got this.... H-hey watch the tail!" Vix growls lowly as Alastor almost steps on her tail.
  Alastor blushes slightly in embarrassment. Now that he was truely comfortable showing his true emotions to his friends. They didn't care if he smiled or frowned he was their friend and that was all that mattered. Angel wakes up rather grumpy at the commotion.
" Oi  keep it down in there some of us are tryin' ta get some beauty sleep!" The spider bellows in annoyance.
      " I suppose I should rejoin my spider before he bites my head off ahahaha." Alastor chuckles and waves the gals good bye before heading back to his room.
  The four girls giggle after he leaves thinking how adorable the  flustered Radio demon looked. The rest of the morning goes on without a hitch and all seems calm.Vix finishes the last of the flyers and smiles her hard work having paid off.

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