Chapter 40

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Yahaba's POV:

Incomplete. It all felt incomplete. Knowing I was going to lose this space where it was just me and him, not to mention having to watch him go back to the people that scarred him, it felt wrong. I... don't know why I'm just supporting Kentaro with this and not trying harder to keep him here. Maybe it's because, deep down, I know that this feeling of incompleteness is for the best, and that everything will work itself out eventually. If that's true, I hope I'm right.

Waking up, I feel Kentaro's arms wrapped around me from behind. He's hugging me in his sleep. I want to see the look on his face right now. But, if I move, he might wake up. I don't want to do that, who knows how much sleep he'll get for the first few nights back at his old house? I just lay in his arms until he wakes up.

"Good morning sweetheart, how you doing?"

"Better. You?"

"Same. Going to miss sleeping like this with you."

"Yeah... Got any ideas for today?"

"Not really. Thought we might just relax, we don't get too many lazy days."

"Why not? You want to just rest here for a bit or do you want to get up and make breakfast?"

"Stay here for a while. Turn around though, I want to see your face."

"Alright then."

I turned around and looked at him. He was an absolute mess. His hair was a mess and there some redness under his eyes from some of the crying yesterday. Somehow, I still kind of liked it. I knew I looked about the same, if not worse, but somehow he still looked at me with adoration.

"Like what you see, darling?"


"You're so sappy, it makes me nauseous."

"No it doesn't, you like it."


"Plus, you're just as bad as me and you know it!"

"Good point. Anyways, what's this house you were talking about yesterday?"

"Oh, that. Father plans on giving me one of his houses once I take over the business for me and Shimizu to share. I'm thinking I'll take one of the more secluded ones, up in the mountains."

"Is it going to be nice? I want to make sure my baby's being treated well."

"It'll be much nicer than most places you've ever been, I can tell you that much. Actually, now that I think about it..."


"Worst comes to worst, and I have to marry Shimizu, I'm making sure you end up living with me."

"Okay... what's that have to do with this whole house thing?"

"I'll make sure you come with me when Father has me look at them all! If you're going to live there, I want to make sure you like it."

What?! We never planned for this? Where's all this coming from?? He's so sweet but there's no way I can accept! Maybe? I kind of do want to live in a mansion... I guess I shouldn't be rude and just say no, right?

"Ken, this is only a worst-case scenario, right?"

"Yeah. Unless, you want me to keep the business even if Shimizu and Hitoka get married?"

"That's up to you, darling. You know I've never really wanted fame and fortune. Plus, didn't you tell me same-sex couples aren't exactly accepted as much higher up in the food chain?"

Equally Lost (Kyohaba)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora