Chapter 23

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Yahaba's POV:

When I woke up, it was bright out. Immediately, I felt trapped in warmth. Kentaro was hugging me in his sleep, his arms and legs entirely coiled around me from behind. The sleeping bag we were in really didn't fit both of us, but that didn't matter. I guess I was just happy to be with him, still enjoying our lives despite the circumstances. After all, we are a family, right? 

Sooo, what exactly is the issue with our awesome-seeming lives? I know, it sounds pretty great right now, but trust me, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. I take that back, there's plenty of rainbows, I don't think I've seen a straight person in months, but it's still not super happy. I know, it sucks! 

Why? Well, Kentaro's been forced into and arranged marriage with the manager of one of our rival schools, Kiyoko Shimizu, who's a lesbian. Both of their blood families are rich and homophobic, choosing to ignore that both of them already have soulmates, since they're of the same gender. Rude right? So now, we're just trying to figure out what to do with all of that and procrastinating by doing fun stuff. Like this!

"...Hey, g'mornin' Shigeru..." Kentaro mumbled, moving himself to face me.

"Hey babe, did you sleep well?" I whispered back to him.

"...mhm..." He hummed happily. 

That's always a good sign. Kentaro's not the most verbal person, but for me it's always easy to tell how he's feeling. Well, that's a total lie, he's super confusing, but it's pretty easy at times like this, where he forgets about putting up walls and just lets himself be.

I look at his face and find myself studying his eyes. Sure, they're not the most striking part of his face, with that bumblebee haircut, but I should have noticed how beautiful they are. From far away, they probably just look a cold brown, but here, up close... The brown fades into deep mahoganies and glints of sparkling amber, with a soft, but metallic sheen to their whole design. I wish I had spent more time looking at them before.

"Like what you see?" Kentaro asks me, a joking smirk on his face.

"You know I do" I replies, snuggling myself a little bit more into his chest, all while still trying to look up at my face.

"Oh, really?" He said, a playful glint added to his pretty eyes.

"You're such a dork sometimes, you know that?" I jokingly mocked.

"How dare you! I thought that you loved me, you liar. That's it, you're sleeping alone tonight!"  He overdramatically gasped, pretending to seem offended.

"You're literally hugging me right now" 

"Oh. My bad?"

"Nope, you can't take anything back, you're stuck with me."

"More like you're stuck with me you beautiful cream-puff."

"Nah. I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. Have you seen yourself recently? Like, damn, I got really lucky."

"Nope, I'm the lucky one."

"You sure? 'cause-"

"Hey lovebirds! You know everybody can hear you, right?"

Oh great. Guess who forgot that they were with the rest of the team? The Captain. And, by the looks of it, the Vice-Captain too. And it's been decided, this one's been nominated for the "Embarrassing Memories That Keep Me Up At Night" Award. Wow, that's a long name. But, the real question is: How are we going to face the team? 

"Hey, it looks like they know you're just a big softie now, what you gonna do Kyoken-chan?"

"Don't you -chan me you overgrown dessert!" He retorted, sitting up and pulling me up with him.

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