Chapter 26

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Yahaba's POV:

When I woke up, Kentaro was mumbling in his sleep. He doesn't really do that, I wonder what's bothering him. I listened closer and realized that he'd been saying the same thing over and over.

"...Kiyoko... Have to talk to Kiyoko..."

Okay... That's weird, even for him. I know the whole thing's a big deal, believe me, but it's taking over his sleep now? It's not like I should probably judge, I freaked out over it yesterday... Our lives are really screwed up, aren't they? Well, whatever drem Kentaro's having, it's probably not fun. I'll wake him up.

I nudged him gently. "Hey Kentaro, come one babe it's time to get up. Kentaro?"

"Shig..." He mumbled before collapsing again on his stomach.

"Baby, don't be like that... You wanted to talk to Kiyoko, right?"

He raised his head as if to ask, "How did you know?". Then, he laid back down, "Five more minutes, please?"

"Aww you're even asking nicely! Sure, but only five minutes. I'll go make breakfast."

He snaked one of his arms around my waist, "Nope. You're staying here with me."

"But-" I protested. 

"No buts. Only five minutes right?" He said looking up at me, pleading. Damn it, he's cute, and I can't say no to him.

"Fine." I pulled him on top of me and we both went back to sleep.

I woke up who knows how much later than I wanted to. Not that I really minded, it's very comfortable. Wait, what day is it?! I jolted out of the bed to find out the date, making Kentaro fall out of the bed with me. I nearly forgot he was there...oops. 

Anyway, the date! I rushed around the bedroom and found my phone lying on the floor. I looked at the date and the time. It was 11:00... on a Monday! We missed school! And morning practice! Oh my god, oh my god! What do I do? It's not like I can actually tell the teachers why I was late, nobody knows me and Kentaro live here. It'd probably be this whole thing and-

"Is it a school day?" Kentaro asked me sleepily from his place on the floor.

"Yeah. What do we do? This place isn't really on the map." I said. Why did I sound calm? I'm freaking out up here!

"Just let Iwaizumi know one of us is sick and that the other's taking care of him. He'll be able to work with it."

"You literally say Iwaizumi is the solution to most of our problems."

"He is. You know how many times he's gotten us out of situations like this?"

"Yeah. But that's probably because he's the only one we ask."

"Fine. But the only other people I can think of that might help are Turnip-head and Watari. Turnip-head will probably overreact, making Kunimi tell him to forget it, and Watari's too nice so we shouldn't burden him with our problems because he'll make a big deal out of us trusting him or whatever."

"That's... surprisingly accurate. How do you know that? And how'd you forget Kindaichi's name again? You've known him for nearly six months."

"Ohh, Kindaichi, that's his name. Wait, I have?"


"Oh. Sorry?"

"You should be. He's very nice to you, treat him with some more respect."

"Asahi, I'm sorry. It's a Monday, you can't blame me for being tired."

"True... did you say Asahi?"

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