Chapter 51

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Kyotani's POV:


No answer. He laid still in the hospital bed, hooked up to various different machines. The car ran over one of his arms and rammed him in the chest. His lungs can barely function. Any chance of him surviving is slim.

And yet, I'm happy.

As the heart rate flatlined, I held back a smile. We were safe at last.

The will gave me ownership of everything except a single house: the family home. That was saved for mother. It seemed unfair, to give your soulmate less than your son. But, I can't complain.

I gave one of the houses to Shimizu. Her and Hitoka moved in shortly after I gave it to them, and escaped Shimizu's own horrible life.

They got married in the summer. It was beautiful, the wait was well worth it. As they said their vows Shigeru cried next to me. And the party that followed is one I will never forget.

Me and Shigeru entered our third year free of the burdens of my family. We devoted ourselves to volleyball and won again and again. The inter high, and then, after a heated battle with the reigning champions Karasuno, the fall tournament. Looking up from the court we saw our old teammates smiling. Oikawa and Iwaizumi sported matching engagement rings.

We went to their wedding in the winter. It was the last thing they did before forcing themselves to spilt for a few years to pursue their dreams. It hurt, to see them split apart, even for a short time. They'll be fine though, they promised each other eternity.

We celebrated my birthday for the first time. The whole team, plus our friends at Karasuno were there. Oikawa and Iwaizumi called from their respective places too. I use a picture of Shigeru drunkenly kissing me as my Lock Screen.

I graduated and worked on the company. It quickly became known as one of the first major companies donating to LGBT charities. Even with soulmates, discrimination still exists.

Our team and Karasuno were both able to go to Nationals because it was hosted in Miyagi that year. We came in third, with Karasuno winning and Nekoma beating us.

Shigeru proposed to me at my birthday the next year. We got married in the fall, just like I had always imagined. All of our friends came. Iwaizumi flew out from America and Oikawa came out from Argentina. I got to keep the love of my life forever.

The company grew to become the number one in the world. Homophobia dropped in Japan drastically. There were little to no kids kicked out for being gay or trans anymore. Those who were had shelters sponsored by my company and safe houses all over Japan to go to. Speaking of kicked out, Kunimi was finally able to face his mother.

Shimizu and Hitoka adopted a nameless infant boy. He was rather aggressive. They ended up naming him Ryuu, after a friend with a similar personality.

A few years later, Shinji, Kinnoshita and Narita went and got matching tattoos because that was their way of promising to be together forever.

Me and Shigeru never adopted kids, but we had several pets. Mostly dogs, since I liked them best. We treated them like our kids though. They even got their own couch.

As the years went by, friends fell apart and also reunited. Oikawa won the Olympics with Argentina, and Iwaizumi was offered a position as their personal trainer. They now live there together with Oikawa's nephew, Takeru. Takeru's mother died somehow. Hit and run, I think? Anyways, he lives with them now.  I think he's going into high school this year.

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