Chapter 22

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Makki pulled out the empty bottle from before. "Now that everybody's had plenty of food, who's ready to play Spin the Bottle?"

One weird, dysfunctional, crackhead family.

"I guess I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

"Sorry not sorry babe."


Yahaba's POV:

So, we're playing Spin the Bottle. Didn't Iwaizumi ban this game at club hangouts after last time? That was a while ago, back when I was a first-year and there weren't as many rules on what Makki and Mattsun couldn't do. What did they do? Well... let's just say that when they were only supposed to kiss each other, Makki and Mattsun had... other plans. Knowing them, they probably see traumatizing the past first-years as a happy memory. They did find out they were soulmates after all. Let's just hope that doesn't happen again tonight though...

I sit next to Kentaro, who's glaring at the circle of our teammates. Watari went and sat next to me on the other side. God, I feel really bad for the guy with his brother... It's amazing that he thinks of us as a family. 

"Aww but Iwa-chan, I don't want to have to kiss anyone but youuu!"

"Then you should have gone to Shiratorizawa."

"Iwaaaa! You don't mean that right?"

"...of course not, I just don't want anyone else to hear me..." He whispered.

Watari, you could have had so much better. Why'd you pick us? That's probably what I find the most amazing. Even then, I guess we do make a good family of sorts. I'm not saying that we'd all die for each other. Actually, depending on who you talk to, some people here might, so I'll take that back. Actually, some people here might just die for fun, so it's probably not even worth anything. 

"So, who's going first?"

"Makki, I'll go! So, who here's prepared to get kissed by the sexiest member on the team?" Mattsun joked. Hopefully. 

Everybody immediately tried to avoid eye contact with him. I mean I'm not surprised, but he sure was. 

"Do they not love me?"

"Of course they do babe, they just can't handle how sexy you are, so they're looking away."

"Babe... that is the nicest thing anybody's ever said to me. I love you."

"I love you too. Now, go forth and become a player!"

"Aye aye, captain!"

He spun the bottle and it landed on... Kunimi. 

The first-year had been unwillingly adopted by the two of them for his knowledge of memes. That and supposedly, "We can't let Oikawa adopt you, otherwise, you'll be dating your brother." And something along the lines of, "Not on my Christian Minecraft server." He eventually just went with the whole thing. It never really mattered to him. But to them, it was always a big deal. He was their "First child".

What does any of that have to do with our game of Spin the Bottle? Well, it looked like Mattsun was panicking. And I'm guessing the whole idea of him kissing him doesn't do down with whatever tiny moral code he has. 

Eventually, he walked over to where Kunimi was sitting on the other side of the circle. Kindaichi was sitting next to him and honestly looked ready to throw hands if Mattsun actually kissed him. And I thought that Oikawa and Iwaizumi were protective over each other. The look alone n Kindachi's face could probably kill somebody.

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