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Hannah had been staying with warren. She felt awkward knowing how she knew the truth over malachy death and that she couldn't say without dropping herself or warren in it. She knew that it was the last thing that she wanted or needed.

Hannah sighed as she sat in bed with warren, she knew that they were staying in a scummy and cold motel.

She stood from the bed and slipped her hoodie on as she got back into bed with him as she rested her head on his chest "we can't stay here much colder warren, it's dirty and cold and I don't have high standards but warmth is one of them" Hannah said as warren looked to her and smiled

"I know, I'm working on it, I'll find somewhere soon, for you and me" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"what are you going to do? With your family. You know I never meant this, I didn't think he would start the fire" warren said as Hannah looked to him and smiled

"I know and you don't need to worry, okay. I know that you suggested it but you weren't behind it but I do need to go home and face my family. If only my mother knew where I actually was" Hannah said as warren smirked as he leant in and kissed her

Hannah got back to the McQueen house and sighed to herself as she sat on the sofa.

She had warren hoodie on and smiled as she wrapped it around her as she inhaled his scenes.

Hannah knew that she was playing with fire with warren but she also knew that she was the girl that that kept him out of trouble and she wasn't going to let him go back to jail. Hannah looked as Jacqui walked into the room and looked to her

"where have you been?" Jacqui asked as Hannah looked to her and rolled her eyes


"your family needed you here" Jacqui said as Hannah sighed

"no, they didn't. I get mercy is going through hell and I feel for her but it isn't going to help her and her plot for revenge isn't going to bring him back" Hannah said as Jacqui looked to her

"I don't like how you are out and about, I want you home" Jacqui said

"I'm not a kid mum, just leave me be" Hannah said as she stood up and walked to her room.

Hannah knew her family couldn't know who she was involved in but she also knew that she couldn't hide it from them forever

Hannah knew that she wanted to be with warren but she didn't want to loose her family because of It

Hannah smirked to herself as she stood with warren as he blindfolded her

"where are we going?" She asked as he lead her somewhere

"I have a surprise" he said as he lead her forward, he unlocked a door and lead her inside as he took her blindfold off of her as she looked to him and frowned

"what is this?" Hannah asked as he looked to her and smiled as she stood in an empty flat

"I told you I'd get us out of the motel, this is my new flat and yours if you want it. I know right now it's hard but when your ready to say your with me we can do it" warren said as Hannah looked to him and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled

"I love you" she said as he pulled her close and kissed her

"I love you too"

Me and the bad boy *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now