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Hannah sat in the flat and groaned, she felt terrible, she looked to see warren as he got ready, he looked to her and frowned

"babe, are you sure that your okay" warren asked as he walked over to her and placed a hand on her cheek. Hannah looked to him and smiled

"I'm okay, I am just tired that's all" she said as he smiled "try have a rest. I hope your not coming down with something" warren said as Hannah looked to him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him

"I know, I know it's probably something I ate or a bug or something, go you will be late" Hannah said as he kissed her one more time and smiled as he walked off and smiled.

Hannah looked as he walked out of the flat and sighed as she sat on the sofa and sighed

Hannah knew that she was worried, she knew how she and warren were trying to focus their relationship together and it scared her but she was more scared than anything that she could be pregnant.

She didn't know what to do or think as she had no idea if she and warren were ready to have a baby
Hannah walked through the village as she went to meet up with Cassie, she frowned as she saw cassie as she stood talking to Patrick Blake. Hannah looked as he walked off and walked over to cassie and frowned

"what's going on there, that looked a little cosy for my liking" Hannah said as cassie looked to her and rolled her eyes

"you don't need to worry han. He was just being nice besides I didn't come back here to get involved with anyone I came back here for Esther" cassie said as Hannah smiled

"I know that but it might not stay that way, look Patrick Blake is a charmer but he has a dark side, he got his doctor locked up and took her baby off of her. All I am saying is be careful. You are my best friend and the last thing I want Is for you to end up hurt by getting involved with him" Hannah said as cassie looked to her and smiled

"I know, I have heard things over him and trust me I am not going to be getting involved with anyone" cassie said as Hannah looked to her and smiled

Hannah couldn't help but worry

Hannah stood in the flat as she looked out of the window. She stood watching warren and sighed.

She was worried, she was worried over him. Hannah knew what he was like and it scared her but could warren be up to something dodgy.

Hannah knew his history and it scares her especially now that she suspected that she could be pregnant with his baby but could Hannah open up to him or would she do what she did best and freak once again?

Hannah knew that despite what did happen that things weren't going to be easy

Me and the bad boy *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now