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Hannah woke up and lay in bed next to warren. She knew how things were and how it wasn't easy. Hannah knew how she was pregnant and how she and warren were going to have a baby and she was scared over it all

She knew how everything was going to change and she knew how she just wanted for everything to be okay and how she wanted to make it work but she was scared over things

She smiled as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist as she looked to see warren "hey how are you doing" he asked as she smiled

"I'm okay. I am going to meet up with Cassie and then go for dinner are you off to the club" she asked as he nodded

"Yeah I have some stuff to handle. But don't worry I will be back later. I know all of this is a mess and how we didn't plan this but you having my baby. It makes me happy and so do you. I want this with you han. I want us to be a family" he said as she smiled

She turned to face him and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She smirked into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer

"I know that it's a mess but you are going to be a great mum and I can't wait we can do this. I know it won't be easy but we can do this" warren said as Hannah smiled

Hannah knew it was a mess and how it wasn't easy. She just wanted it to all work out. She knew how up and down that she and warren were and knew that the least she could owe her child was to make it work

Hannah smiled as she met up with Cassie who looked to her and smiled "hey how are you feeling" Cassie asked as Hannah smiled

"Nauseous. I mean I want it to be okay and I know this is Norman of being pregnant" she said as Cassie smiled

"I know that warren is well warren but I also know how he loved you and how he will do anything for you. He will do what he can to look after you as he loves you, give him a chance" Cassie said

Hannah looked to Cassie and smiled as she placed a hand on her stomach and smiled

Hannah knew that she and warren were going to be parents and she knew how everything was going to change and how it wasn't going to be easy but she did want to make it work no matter what

Hannah got back to the flat as she saw warren "hey. I made dinner" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"Well aren't you the sweetest" she said as he smiled

He grabbed her waist as she leant in and kissed him

"I know it hadn't been easy but I want you to know how much I love you and how glad I am we are doing this and yeah it won't be easy but we can do this. We can do it together" he said as she smiled

Hannah knew how their lives were going to change and she knew it wasn't easy but she did want to make it work and she did want it to be okay

But the question was, would it really be okay and were Hannah and warren really ready to be parents after everything?

Me and the bad boy *Hollyoaks*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن