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Hannah stood in the car park as she waited. It was cold and dark. She watched as a car pulled up and got inside "finally, you took your time" she said as he smirked "you told me to be careful, it takes time. Besides I want to talk to you over my plan" he said as she looked to him and frowned "what's the plan?" She asked as he smirked "I am going to make everyone that was thankful I was dead pay. This whole place is going to wish I stayed dead and I'm starting with Dom Reilly and Tony Hutchinson" he said as Hannah sighed as she looked to him "what are you going to do?" "It's not me it's Dom. Let's say there's money troubles and that Tony's precious restaurant is going to burn down because of Dom. They did me wrong hannah and they have to Pay for it" he said as Hannah looked to him and sighed. She didn't like this idea he had but knew she couldn't change his mind

"Just promise me one thing, you won't mess with my family. I hate them but I would kill for them and there my family" she said as he smiled "I won't as long as after all of this you come away with me. I meant what I said baby, I want us and I want a fresh start and we can't do that in hollyoaks" warren said as she sighed "I'll think over it" she said as he looked to her and smirked as he leant in and kissed her "that's my girl" he said as he started the car and drove off. Hannah looked to him and smiled asking herself if she could really walk away from her family to be with warren after everything


Hannah sighed to herself as she sat in the McQueen house. Her head was a mess and all that she could feel was torn. Her family was doing her head n especially Carmel who was trying to play mum to Kathleen angel. Hannah looked as jacqui walked over to her and smiled "are you okay?" She asked as Hannah nodded "I'm just worried, my friend, she's with someone who is bad news. She has done stuff for him that no one knows over and has covered for him. He wants revenge for those who have wronged him and she wants to be there but she doesn't know what to do as he is threatening to harm her family too" Hannah said as jacqui smiled "she has to do the right thing, if he is threatening her family then it says what he is capable" jacqui said as Hannah looked to her and smiled


Hannah sighed to herself as she met up with warren on the city wall. She looked to him and frowned "have you been talking?" He asked as she looked to him "what no, of course I haven't. Warren I wouldn't" she said as he nodded "I hope Not as you're the only one I can trust" he said as she smiled. She was torn and deep down part of warren scared her and she didn't know what to do

Me and the bad boy *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now