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Hannah sat in bed as she sat texting warren and sighed. He was out late again and she had no idea where he was or what to do. All that Hannah knew was that her head was a mess as she felt as if their relationship was on the line and she hated it

Hannah walked into the bathroom and sighed as she saw the pregnancy test that she had been putting off taking but she knew that she had too. She and warren were going to take it together but Hannah knew that she couldn't put it off any longer and how she had to find out and it scared her

Hannah didn't know what was going on with her and warren but the last thing that she expected was for warren to treat her like this. Hannah wasn't an idiot and she knew that there was something going on for warren to be acting like this

Hannah walked back into the bedroom and climbed into bed as she placed her phone in the side. She was too tired to deal with warren and his shit

The next morning Hannah jumped awake as she heard a bang. She sat up and frowned as she walked out of the room and saw warren

"Babe" he said as she frowned

"What do you want? You have been avoiding me for days and now your here without a care in the world. I'm taking a test later as we have been avoiding it and I'd like you to be there" Hannah said as she walked into the bedroom and slammed the door.

Warren looked after her and sighed. He knew he was in trouble

Hannah walked through the village as she saw Cassie. Cassie looked to Hannah and smiled "you look awful. Are you okay?" Cassie asked as Hannah looked to her best friend and smiled

"It's just things with warren. He's out a lot and he's keeping things from me and I can't do it anymore. I need him to be honest with me and it's not easy. I just hate this. I'm going to take a test tonight and I need him to be there with me" Hannah said as Cassie smiled

"I know how he has been but you and warren are good together. You deserve to be happy and I know that this is just a bump for the two of you" Cassie said as Hannah looked to Cassie and smiled

She hoped that Cassie was right

Hannah stood in the bathroom and sighed as she placed the pregnancy test that she had just taken on the side as she heard a knock and answered it to see warren and smiled

"I'm here. I'm always here for you babe. I promise I know I have been awol but I love you and I am always here for you" warren said as Hannah smiled.

She was glad he had stepped up and that he was there for her. He wrapped an arm around her waist and smiled as she picked up the test that she had placed in the side and frowned for a moment before she picked it up and looked down at it to see that it was...

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