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Hannah couldn't help but worry. She couldn't help but worry that warren had something to do with the fire. She knew how Mercedes was gutted as she and malachy had agreed to give things another go only for him to be injured by the blast of the fire. Hannah sent warren a text telling him that they needed to talk as she went down into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Jacqui "hoes mercy, how is she holding up" Hannah asked as jacqui looked to her and smiled "as to be expected. I don't think malachy is going to make it and we need to be strong like a family and be there for her and I know all that she had done but she's mercy and she is our family and she did love him more than anything" jacqui said as Hannah nodded "there's something I need to do, all me if. There is any chance" Hannah said as she walked out of the flat

Hannah got to the bed and breakfast Warren was staying at. She looked to him and sighed "we need to talk, over this fire. What did you mean when you said that dom was sorting it" Hannah asked as he stood from the bed and smirked as he walked over to her "just that, he came to me for money and I said no, he said tony was in trouble and I said the only thing that could help was insurance so he obviously thought a fire would pay out. I didn't do this, I suggested it but I didn't think he would be stupid enough to do it. You do trust me don't you han. We have been through a lot for you to not trust me" warren said as she looked to him and smiled "of course I do" she said as he leant in and kissed her


Hannah lay in bed with warren as they were having sex. She rolled her eyed back and moaned as she felt herself reach her high as he followed her. He held her close and smiled "so what now" she asked as he looked to her and smiled "now, we plan for my rise from the dead, but we have to wait for Dom and his guilt to eat him up or I will get the blame" he said "I know and no one can know I am involved because of malachy. The last thing I need is my family turning against me for helping you" Hannah said as warren looked to her and smiled "I know but if they do, I am here for you" he said as she looked to him and smirked. But could she stop herself falling in love with warren


Hannah got home and frowned as she saw Mercedes crying and frowned "what happened?" Hannah asked as jacqui smiled "its malachy he has brain damage, he isn't going to make it" she said as Hannah frowned. She knew what her and warrens scheming had caused and it scared her as she didn't want to be hated and didn't want to let warren down at the same time.she was torn and didn't know what to do

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