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Hannah sat in the bed and breakfast with warren who had just walked in. She looked to him as he walked into the room

"we haven't talked all night, I know your mad at me over the fire and how I talked dom into it but I am sorry. I didn't want it to do this to us, but I brought food" he said as she stood up from the bed. She stood in his shirt and a thong and sighed as she walked over to him and sighed

"do you think that this is going to change anything warren food? People are dead because of this, my aunts husband is dead and she is horrified and because of my connection with you and knowing what you did I feel guilty and it's the last thing I want. I don't want to feel guilty but I won't tell anyone over it, I am loyal to you and I won't say how you are alive even if everyone thinks that are dead. You know that I would never shop you but food isn't going to make this right. You need to except that" she said as he looked to her and smirked

"oh I know, and if food can't fix this then maybe this will" warren said as he walked over to her and closed the gap between them. He grabbed a hold of her by the back of her thighs and flipped her onto the bed so that she was on her bed .

"Maybe this could change your mind" he said as he climbed on top of her, he ran his hands up her thighs as he leant in and kissed her passionately. She moaned into the kiss as she ran her hands through his hair as the kiss more passionate as they stirred off.

She moaned as he kissed her neck. She could feel how turned on he was as his hardened member pressed against her. She moaned in pleasure as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her, Hannah ran her hands through his hair tugging at it as she felt herself reach her high as she pulled him close as kissed him passionately as he followed her and pulled out of her. He held her in his arms as they lay breathless

"so am I forgiven?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled

"maybe" Hannah said as he held her close and smiled

"I know what you think, I know that you think I am using you for sex but you mean a lot more to me than sex if I could change what happened over Dom and the fire I would but I can't" warren said as Hannah looked to him and smiled

"I know" she said as she leant in and kissed him


Hannah got to the McQueen house and frowned as she saw that Mercedes was kicking off. Hannah looked to Jacqui and smiled

"what's going on?" "She's on one of malachy and the fire, she wants to know who he is behind it and we'll. you know mercy" Jacqui said as Hannah frowned. Hannah knew Mercedes well and.

She knew how Mercedes would want to make the person who was behind the fire pay and she knew it was warren but Hannah knew that she was also protecting warren and it would come back on her and Hannah knew that the last thing that she wanted or needed was this.

She didn't want the truth to come out as she didn't want her family to end up hating her, she knew that they would once they realised that she knew all along and was still keeping warrens secrets hidden from them. Hannah knew she wasn't ready for it to all come out and kick off with them


Hannah smiled as she got to the bed sit. Warren looked to her and frowned

"are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and nodded as she walked over to him and hugged, warren held her close and frowned

"Han?" "I hate this, I hate all of the secrets and I'm scared as the last thing I want is for my family to hate me and I know that is just going to happen and I don't know what to do" she sobbed as warren pulled her close and hugged her and smiled

"I know, but no matter what I am here for you" warren said as Hannah looked to him and smiled. She was glad that he was there as right now she felt more alone than ever before

Me and the bad boy *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now