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Hannah knew how she and Warren had been making it work. They were having a baby together and she wanted nothing more than for her baby to have the perfect family.

It wasn't always going to be easy. She knew that. But she had to hope that it was going to be okay. 

Warren had told her that being a parent wasn't going to be easy. But he was going to be by her side through it all. He didn't want to miss a single moment of his baby's life.

Hannah knew that Warren felt like he had let Joel down by not being there for him. So he wanted to make up for it with their baby.

Hannah was glad that she wasn't doing this alone. She felt that she wouldn't be able to cope if she was doing it alone.

It was so hard for her to even think about. She knew having Warren made it all better. Especially as she didn't have the best relationship with her family.

They weren't happy that she was having a baby with Warren. But she didn't care. She was happy. And that was all she did care about.

All she knew was that she was thrilled to be having a baby with Warren. And she couldn't wait to be a mum.

Hannah moaned as Warren pulled out of her. She smiled. "I think all this sex is how we got into this situation to begin with," she told him.

Warren smiled and shrugged. "I like having sex with you. Shoot me," he said as he kissed her lips. His erection was rested against her thigh.

Hannah grinned. "No I'm not complaining. I like the sex too. I love you. And I love that we're doing this together. Having a baby. I don't want to have this baby with anyone but you," she said as she kissed him.

Warren looked to her. He sighed. "I'm sorry to say babe. But I've got to go to London for a couple days. There's some business down there for me. Will you be okay?" He asked.

Hannah nodded. "I'm a big girl. I can look after myself. Don't worry babe," she said. She kissed him. "I'll see if Cassie will come and stay if you're that worried about me."

"Please. I don't like the idea of you being on your own."

"I'll be fine. But I'll get Cassie to come and stay."

Hannah went into the village. She saw Cassie sitting by the fountain with her bags. She frowned. "Hey. What's going on?" She asked.

Cassie looked to her "Patrick and I had a huge fight. So I left him. I'm not sticking around. I can't," she said.

Hannah smiled. She sat with her. "Warren is going to London for a few days tomorrow. Why don't you come and stay with me? He won't know you're there. Plus I told Warren I'd ask if you can stay with me."

Cassie nodded. "Sure. I'm gonna book myself a hotel for the night. I don't want to be around this village for the next 24 hours. I told him he wasn't going to be seeing me again," she told her.

Hannah walked back into the flat. She frowned as she saw how smashed it up it was. "Warren?" She asked. She walked into the bedroom.

Hannah felt the colour drain from her face as she saw Warren lying on the floor bleeding. But who had done this?

Me and the bad boy *Hollyoaks*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя