Chapter 2

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Everyone went quiet, the purple monster had a relaxed face that showed little to no emotion.
But I can see she wanted to sneer at each and every one of us.
Probably for the littlest thing, weather they accidentally (or not) bumped into her, or if they just looked at her the wrong way.
Susie was the embodiment of fear in the entire school and she could not be reckoned with if you knew what's best for you.

Kris had his eyes on Susie. A silent frown etched on his face, slowly making his way to step in front of me, if anything, he looked like he was protecting me as my knight in shining armor. But really, he would do that for anyone that needed help.

" Am I late? " Her voice was scratchy, a soothing deep shake made it feel as if she had a grudge on every single one of us.

Alphys' head shook widely, more sweat forming down her cheek while holding out her yellowish claws out, waving them about.
" N-n-no! Susie, y-your r-r-right on time! " It seemed as if her stuttering problem had gotten worse under pressure.
She swallowed a thick lace of pelham and found her eyes wandering to Me and Kris.
"— And sense (Y/n) seems to have found Noelle and Berdly as a group of three, so Susie, your with Kris. "
Berdly let out a small growl through his beak while sliding down his chair, muttering insults under his nasily breath.
Noelle shot the egotistical bird monster a needle like glare, this caused Berdly to shrink in the chair further.

Kris's head turned to eye Susie a bit more before shrugging his shoulders.
Susie seemed to hang her head a bit and look elsewhere, it wasn't that noticeable. Considering that her hair covers half of her face in a way that looks like she doesn't want anyone to see them.

Could that sarcasm be coated with another coat of sarcasm?

It was plain as day that Susie didn't like  this.
Being pared up with a weak human half the size of you would probably look pathetic in her eyes, but if anyone were to say that in My face? make sure to have an ice for a future black eye.

Ms. Alphys squabbled around at her desk to try and find something. When she didn't find it, she instantly turned around and placed her hand on the chalk board tray.
" A-alright, so today's class assignment will be...."
When she didn't find a certain item on the long tray, she turned around, eyes scanning the room.

" Uh.. h..has anyone seen the chalk...? "
Her voice cracked a bit in worry.

Her hands found themselves interlocking with each other while walking forward to the side of her desk.
I wonder why Kris and Susie weren't going to there desks?
Well, I guess I'm an exception sense I'm already sitting..

" If... If no one's going to t...tell me where the chalk is, a..all of you will get  in trouble! "
Ms. Alphys says, her voice raising a bit in a false threatening tone.

" A...anyone...? .......please..? "
Her tone slowly wavers when she sees that no one believes her false accusation.
That is until Noelle raised her hoof, a gentle smile on her face, but her hand and body slightly shook at the words she wanted to say.

" A..ah. Ms. Alphys, there should be an extra box of chalk in the storage room... Maybe me and Sus— "
Noelle's voice was cut off by Ms. Alphys.

" Gr...great idea Noelle! Susie, S...sense you came in l...late, you can go get the c...chalk. "

I saw Noelle's body shrink a bit, and her hoof to be put down slowly. Her head nodded a bit, eyes casted down.

Susie was still by the door, she looked completely motionless. The aura in the class felt as if poison was slowly making each and everyone choke. As if the purple lizard monster could break and tear each and everyone of us apart.
You would not believe how much the room changed when Susie mumbled out a : " Whatever " and slammed the door closed. I'm surprised she didn't break the window on the door. She could've, had she tried.

I Don't Care DELTARUNE( Susie X Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now