Chapter 5

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Art at the top is made by me ⊂(・﹏・⊂)

Lancer licked his lips from the sticky salsa substance he obtained from the tree trunk. Susie had stopped eating once she tried it, she made a weird shape with her mouth discarding the taste of the sappy liquid when it hit her tongue. When your hands tried to reach for it, the taller monster promptly slapped your hand away, causing you to coil your arm back with a hiss.

she gave you a silent look as if to say " No. Try it, and your going to regret it. " and trust me, her point got across with the slight scratch she gave you when she slapped your hand away.  

your eyes narrowed a bit while you held your hand close to your chest. Susie got up suddenly, your eyes followed her movement, claws making there way to her battle axe and how her boots clanked onto the earth. The smaller monster getting the gist, and also stood up, his hands still a bit sticky from eating that salsa.

" So, where too Lancer? " Susie casually sounded, her other arm grabbing you by the arm and hauling you onto her waist. Your hands instinctively went straight to try and pry her arm away from you, but her hold was too great, and you didn't want to deal with another angry Susie incident that actually might get you killed. So, you let your arms drop  down in a hanging motion.

Lancer tilted his head in thought, making a fist whilst tapping his chin. A sudden gasp escaped his mouth, indicating he knew now where to go from there. " Right! Do you have the evil plan Susie? " A folded up blueprint came out of Susie's jacket, How? You didn't know, and didn't want to. And you certainly didn't want to know where Lancer pulled a full ass blueprint stand.

" Forward march! " The little monster said sharply, yet adventurously. And you caught a glimpse of a shadow of a smile from the Lizard's muzzle, a kind of smile from what you could tell was a sisterly smile. The kind of smile that you give to Kris when he wants to show you something, or when he wants to tell you a peculiar dream he had. Susie, the scary bully, having a sisterly aura really shook you up a bit. 'Is this really Susie?'  You couldn't believe it.

You guessed you were staring too long, because as soon as that smile came, it went. 

And an annoyed one replaced it. The glint of yellow light shone from under her bangs, and her teeth pointed out. " What? Got something on my face? C'mon spit it out! " You found yourself shaking your head, a low growl coming from your throat that even surprised you. " No. " You hated this. This weak and meek feeling? You felt sick for your own actions, so much so that you kept your head down the rest of the walk. 

Susie clicked her tongue in a rude way of saying ' whatever '. 


After walking for a bit, you took in the sights. There wasn't much different to be completely honest. more trees that seemed to clump up in a maze, more bushes for unsuspecting enemies to pop through, though they seemed to shiver away by the sight of Susie. Or her hulking axe.

Soft chattering could be heard on the other side of the hedge wall, Turns out there were cute little stands out with two monsters that seemed to be selling something. A rather sparkling diamond looking monster was handing out small candies that had a nice diamond shape to it. the label saying " Choco Diamond " with a price of 40G. 

The next monster had their head shape like a heart, a silver crown adorned their head and a wide smile was plastered on their smooth face. They honestly looked very sweet to talk too, they had a batch of fresh looking heart shaped doughnuts. You could smell the tarts flavor from there, The monster kept their eye (?) trained on your imobile figure and shyly waved to you with a small pink blush.

 Did they just... flirt?  You have never been flirted on before, what do you do? Do you wave back? pay them a compliment? Or say your not interested? Life did not prepare you for this! 

The monster carrying you took notice of your stiff behavior and decided to look to where your eyes had landed. Suffice to say that Susie did her unseen eye-role and muttered " Gross... " under her breath before continuing on to follow Lancer. 

Speaking of the tinny blue softie, he held up some sticks and a light blue draping with a symbol of a single spade on the fabric. Susie paused a bit before asking  " Lancer, what's this? " to which he promptly answered cheerfully. " My very own Lancer cookie stand! " He threw his hands up excitedly, the plan seemed to click in Susie's mind, a wide grin took place on her muzzle. 

" Ah, great idea Lancer! We could sell you're cookies to Kris and that Prince and raise up enough funds to get our evil plan drumming up! " The large monster explained. Lancer smiled and placed his finger to his chin in thought. " Well, I was originally going to get a Hearts doughnut from the next booth over, but yeah! That plan sounds full proof! Hehehe~ Lets Fish out some coin~ " Lancer said evilly, rubbing his gloved hands together. 

Susie dropped you down onto the plush ground and laid you against a tree while her and Lancer started to set up the stand. 

What a day... You thought. You had never in your life thought you'd be traveling with the person that had caused you so much pain. She was the reason you were like this, and yet...

You couldn't do anything about it. 

You didn't want to do anything about it.



Your eyes wandered to the larger female before you, how her arms flexed a bit of muscle. Some pink scars visible when ever the light hit her rough purple skin, now turned a light pink from the lights rays. Her dark hair, now a fluffy maroon cranberry color. The little details now standing out, how her face and arms were slightly scattered with light dots of freckles, small scales that ran down her tail and how her nose turned a light pink in the light.

This cannot be happening... Your certain your mind's playing a twisted sick joke. 

This is cruel, how dare your mind place such sickeningly sweet thoughts into your head. You hated her! 

You hated her, You hated her, You hated her! 

No, You will not give in to your minds tricks. She was a cruel monster that you would never forgive for what she has done to you. No amount of sorry's could fix what she put you through... 

You felt your gaze shift down onto the pungent red grass underneath you. 

You needed a way to get out of here, and fast.

While Susie was distracted, you crawled between the trees shade in a hiding spot, it was exceedingly difficult because of how high the roots protruded from the ground and you had to make little to no noise as much as possible. 

Once that was done, you had taken the chance to drag yourself away as fast as possible and sink yourself as deep as you could in the shade of darkness of the trees, taking advantage of the long red grass to hide your body as much as possible. 

When you heard heavy footsteps crunch through the grass, you ducked your head even lower, You saw large glowing round eyes pear around the dark. You thought it was Susie looking for you, but...

" (Y/n)~

That was not Susie's voice...                   

I Don't Care DELTARUNE( Susie X Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now