Chapter 3

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to say that, have a splendid new year! Though we might have our ups and downs, just know that there's always something or some one who is willing to give you love and support during these hard times. have a lovely day/night guys. Love you! 

Ps: the art on the top's mine, for thoes who want armor ☺️

Everything felt as if I were spinning, the wind in my hair was thin yet it felt as if my body was going a thousand miles pure hour. That same feeling when riding a roller-coaster. 

Am I really going to die this way?  

Am I really going to die a hopeless girl with a new disable to her body? without the tender end of my mother caressing her hand against my face and telling me " It's going to be okay" ? 

My mind was going through flashes of what was yet another day, and yet another memory. Is this the saying of my life flashing before my eyes..? I didn't even registered the fact that I could feel gravel underneath my hands, my eyes were watering slightly, and my face feels hot and flushed. My nose is even stuffy... have I been crying? 

I lifted my hand to wipe my tear stained cheeks. There's no time for moping on the ground, I need to find out where I am and try and find my way back. I crawled forward, my legs dragging against the cold flat surface. 

I need to stay strong and find some one... But who would be... Here??? 

A dark and damp place with very little light, along with the chilling feeling of some one watching me. what a perfect place for a disabled woman. well, I guess you could say I could try and practice some physical therapy for the time being. I lifted the half of my body to the dark wall right next to me. I shakily grabbed my thigh and placed it facing down so that I was on a kneeling position. 

... Now what? 

I looked around, My eyes adjusted to the dark a bit more over time and came to the conclusion that I was not in a place that I could easily seek help. I should probably keep moving, who knows what could be lurking...

and with that, I put my body against the ground again and began to drag myself forward. I need to be careful not to hit or scratch my legs on anything or else I'll be in big trouble. Bleeding out to death is not my top priority at the moment without me noticing. I'm grateful that the ground is relatively clean for the most part. But in my hazy stated I didn't even register the small details of the literal color change of my skin, and I felt... heavier? 

My hair had also slightly flared up and changed color when I saw my bangs get in the way of my prefrail vision. 

what the hell is going on here?!      

" First, I get rammed into a window. Second... I loose all feeling in my legs and I can't WALK!  THIRD!!! I AM HOPELESSLY DRAGGING MYSELF ON THE GROUND IN A VERY SUSPICIOUS LOOKING PLACE AND I CAN DIE AT ANY MINUTE!!! HOW WORSE CAN IT POSIBLY GET?! "

I could feel my arm's hurting from the sheer pull of weight of my body. Is it my body telling me I'm getting fat? Rude.. 

A large grand door with beautifully engraved golden woven designs. I pushed on the door with great force, It proved to be a difficult objective. I pushed my body up and made a quick grab for the detailed handle, while in the prosses of pulling my body up, the extra weight of my body, along with the handle of the door being unhinged caused the door to slowly open inward. Now finding nowhere to go, I prepared for a very hard fall to await me... but it never came.

Instead, I suddenly felt a light and fluffy Lucius texture under my finger tips and palm. A sort of light shone into my eyes, a purplish-pink sky awaited me. light fluffy clouds were strafed across the sky in a milky pink splash, and the welcoming warmth of this place, put my mind at ease. I turned my body to be laying on my back. My hands tucked onto my belly as I finally got the time to relax, the distant sounds of an odd hooting and chirping made the slight unknown atmosphere to really show itself, but the light rustle of the dark purple grass mixed with the sound of moving tree leaves made the small lull of trying to get me to sleep. It was working.

No, no. I have to get going. Sleep will come later, I need to find out where I am and how to get out. I turned my body back around, the feeling of the soft grass tickling my face was a new sensation, and it felt more comfortable then a hard surface.

A small light greeted my presents, It was warm and calling out to me. I dragged my body forward and reached my hand out to touch it. 

*With the door reopened to a whole new world, your adventure will truly begin...

*The power of adventure shines within you.

*All the pain you have felt previously suddenly washes away        

* You have entered The Field of Hopes and Dreams.

The feeling of my arms being mended and freshened up was a whole new feeling all together... though it did sound familiar... didn't Kris say he had a similar dream like this? 

Ah, yes, I remember. He described it as if he was in a different body. A new name he doesn't remember, but a name everyone remembers somehow. He remembered being in a golden sunlit grand hallway. And at the end of the hallway, a menacing grin awaited him.

He woke up there. That dream was quite a while ago from that day, Tori had been awfully cheerful that day, Baking some delicious butterscotch-cinnamon pie for dissert instead of the usual giving us a scoop of ice cream, and if were lucky ( and have done our chores ) we would be offered the whole tub!   

Those where the good times, where it was just Me, Toriel, Kris and Asriel. No one else...

" Heyo! You okay down there!! "  

A loud shrill voice yelled from somewhere. My attention was now on something else, Where did that voice come from?

 " Who are you, and Where am I? " I called out, surely they know what this place is, right? I pulled my body forward and began to lift myself so that I was in a sitting position. A quick sound of rustling grass alerted me and I quickly turned my head to the left.  A monster, no taller than the height of my hip. He had a large smile plastered on his face with a small little blue to tongue sticking out from the gap between his teeth. A blue hood with a pointed tip at the top, along with a Spade theme expanding and casting a shadow over his face along with a decorative spade on his chest. In other words, he looks like a kid that got let loose from pre-school and now he's using the concept of adorableness in any way shape or form to buy peoples/ Monsters love.

" A-ah. Yeah, I'm okay - " The little Spade monster made a quick move to shush me with his yelling again. " Are you sure?! Why aren't you using your legs? Are they broken?? " Okay, at this point he's not letting me speak...


But, this voice seems vagally familiar...

A large Monster enters from the shadows. Her gleaming yellow teeth were visible under the very little light of a very shadowy area off of the purple grassy road. Rosy cranberry dark pink locks swiftly landed on her shoulders and over the top of her freckled covered mussel, covering her eyes.

oh you  have got to be..-     

" Lancer! Who are you even talking to- "  our visions met, the Monster stepped into the warm light, a shiny Battle Axe resting on her shoulder while her claws gripped the handle, her fingers slightly stretching and gripping more tightly. 

" Ah, its the runts older sister... "

She kneels in front of me, her Axe being dropped blade- first right next to my unmoving leg, causing my breath to shudder from the closeness.

" Were gonna have a bit of fun with you, hehe.."  

I Don't Care DELTARUNE( Susie X Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now