Chapter 4

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Art at the top is by me 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

Susie grabbed the girl by the arm and pulled her to her feet, The lack of feeling though caused her to fall over on her front. 

" The hells' wrong with you? " Susie glared down at her. (Y/n) only snapped her head to look up at the tall monster before her.

" Femoral neuropathy. " Susie looked at her, bewildered from the word. " What?

" I can't move my legs because part of my nerves are damaged genius. " (Y/n) Snapped back, shifting her own weight so that she could flip her body back to a sitting position. This caused the purple monster to groan and smack her face with the palm of her claw like hand. The blue smaller monster looked between the two, utterly confused. He coughed to get the two girls' attention. 

" Well! This is a rather swell meeting! Allow me to introduce myself, " He then took on a bow, his smile stretched a bit with his blue tongue poking from between his teeth. 

" IT IS I! LANCER! THE BAD GUY! " Lancer let out a small laugh that sounded like a high pitched" HO! HO! HO! " But who's to deny his evil laugh? Susie sighed and dragged her hand down her snout. " We really need to work on that laugh Lancer. " Lancer only tilted his head with a confused look, his smile is still present on his face. " But I am Susie! I'm just used to doing that one! " he happily announced. (Y/n) couldn't help it, a light laugh came from her lips; It was too cute.

" Well, I for one think that laugh is quite evil in it's own way, " The blue monster looked at the girl with an even bigger smile. He hopped up and down joyously while lifting is hands to his chest. " You really mean it?? " He asked. Susie looked at how the two conversate, she was starting to get pissed off. 

" Okay! Enough chatting with our poisoner, " Susie yelled through both of there chatter and gripped (Y/n)'s arm again, dragging her from the ground and slung her over her shoulder like a sack. " Wha- Hey! Let me down Susie! Right. Now! " (Y/n) yelled, her fists meeting with the back of the larger monster, but her yells went through deaf ears. " We've got to get moving before Kris and that Prince or whatever finds us and distract us from our evil plan again. " The smaller monster jumped from his position on the ground before nodding quickly.

" Aye, aye Susie! " He saluted before following the larger monster through the fields. The smell of sweets caused (Y/n)'s nose to twitch slightly and for her stomach to slightly growl. Susie also heard this and it also caused her stomach to growl, and a chain formed with another growl. 

" .... Maybe a lunch break could come first? " Lancer asked with a light tint of blue crossing his face. Susie glared at the ground before groaning a bit. " Fine. But lets make this quick.."


" Kris, You've never really told me about yourself! What do you like to do? Do you have any siblings? " Ralsie asked. his shadowed paws were twisted up with themselves as he asked. Kris stayed quiet before holding up one finger. The fluffy monster smiled excitedly when he was given an answer, rushing up next to the human.

" You have one sibling? That's so cool! I wish I had a brother or sister. " Kris only nodded, Ralsie's casted smile caused Kris to also smile. They walk past more scarlet tree's that held more Dark candy. The star shaped treat had been a great help ever sense the start of there journey, and Kris had been saving a small portion for his older sister so that she could experience something from this world. He felt glad that his elder sister didn't get dragged into this quest snag, not that he felt that Ralsie was being a bit more apposed that the more the merrier was better, he just wanted (Y/n) safe. 

Cackling could be heard, it caused Ralsie's ears to perk a bit, along with a small laugh-like chuckle. Almost as if it was sounding through gnashed teeth. " That sound's like Lancer and Susie! Let's go Kris! " The goat monster concluded with a determined smile. following his friend, they moved through the tree's and shrubbery where random monsters would pop out and try and fight. 

They found both Susie and Lancer sitting on the ground with a tree stump that had some sort of liquid seeping out of it. Lancer was licking some of it off from his gloved finger with a happy smile, and Susie looked to be hiding something behind her massive form. 

" Hey Lancer, Susie...? " Ralsie started, Lancer turned his head to the side. Ralsie was a bit distracted with Susie shifting her gaze a bit and moving around uncomfortably, but he quickly shook it off as a Susie thing to do.

" How's the evil scheming going? " Susie looked to the goat confused, and a bit ticked off that they had interrupted there lunch break, but instead of a mean comment to send them off, she let a small nervous smile take over, shifting again to cover something more out of Kris' line of sight. 

" Huh? Oh, that? " Susie made an effort to quickly shake the nervous feeling away so that it wasn't visible through her half covered face. " We, uh, got bored. So we're having a snack. "

Ralsie now looked... concerned. he slowly tried to tilt his body so that he could try and see what was behind the large purple monster before him. " ... I see." Susie saw this and shifted quickly again, now placing her hands behind her back as she threateningly showed her teeth. " C'mon! All I ate for breakfast was chalk! " 

" And I didn't eat anything! " Lancer saved Susie's conversation with his own verse. Ralsie smiled with his own nervous twist while staying back, holding up his hands defensively. " Sorry. What are you two having exactly...? " While both Ralsie and Lancer chatted, Kris kept starring at Susie, a sweat mark slid down her head when she noticed. Keeping a brave face she starred back at the human, a low growl escaping her. " What? "

Out of nowhere, Susie caught a crimson flash under the tresses of Kris' bangs. The new feeling of dread sank through Susie's skin, causing her to grit her teeth. ' What the- '

" Hey Kris! Wanna try it...? " The sudden question caused both Susie's and Kris' head's to snap to the fluffy monster. Ralsie backed up a bit at the intensity, babbling incoherent words while trying to figure out the tension in the air. But before Ralsie had a chance to back out of the questin, Kris, While still keeping an eye on Susie, took his finger and took a taste at the honey pot salsa that was seeping from the crack of the tree stump. Everything was quiet before Kris turned and walked away, Ralsie shouting for Kris to slow down and for Susie, Lancer and a certain some one to fall silent.

" ... So... What was in that stuff...? " Susie asked, Making sure that Kris and Ralsie were out of sight.

" Uhhhh.... I donno " Lancer shrugged. 

I Don't Care DELTARUNE( Susie X Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now